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Not Quite Farewell

Editor’s Note: With regret, we report that Bree Crocetti, our prized restaurant critic, no longer will be able to contribute weekly reviews under the banner “Real Food for Thought” because of an accelerated work schedule. Ms. Crocetti tells us that she will write on an occasional basis, as her busy life allows. In the meantime, as she would say

Time Out from Dining

Editor’s Note: Just because one of the truly gifted food mavens on the Westside, our columnist, is ailing today, there is no need to miss her extraordinary insights into the dining emporiums of Los Angeles. As Ms. Crocetti herself says each Thursday:

Special Playtime Setting Elevated What Was an OK Meal

I think I have a junk food hangover. Beignets and coffee for breakfast, churro for mid-morning snack, corn dog and soda for lunch… Yes, I was at Disneyland.

LA Vegan, Exactly What a Funky Mar Vista Neighborhood Needs

In Mar Vista, right across the street from Casa Sanchez, in a neighborhood of taquerias, lawn mower shops and bail bondsmen, is this little gem called LA Vegan.

Externally Beautiful, Anisette Brasserie Is No Place for a Leisurely Meal

When a friend generously offered to take me to lunch, I quickly chose the new and highly anticipated Anisette Brasserie.

Anisette Brasserie is really a stunning restaurant. High, tin-tiled ceilings, tile floors, long bar with oysters and spirits on display, it is beautiful, and enjoyable to look at.

Bree Isn’t Home

Editor’s Note: Bree Ceocetti, our popular restaurant reviewer , is away this week. Her “Real Food for Thought” essay will be resumed upon her return. Meanwhile, you may find earlier reviews in our archs, or:

Hungry for more? Check out ­http://triplecreme.blogspot.com/ ­

Being Frank About a Vendor and About Father’s Office

On the way home from downtown Los Angeles, where we saw this cool, yet mondo bizzaro performance troupe called Strange Fruit Swoon, we stopped for a quick lunch at the Let’s Be Frank hotdog truck parked in the Helms Bakery complex, across from Father’s Office.

Rush to Rush Street — You Can’t Go Wrong After a...

As soon as the staff meeting broke, my friends and I were the first to take seats at the bar at the brand-spanking-new Rush Street in Downtown Culver City (along with faithful http://triplecreme.blogspot.com/ readers Jessica and Andrew).

Live Music, Fun and Festive — Sevilla Is a Place to...

When my friend was attending grad school in Riverside, Sevilla was one of her favorite haunts.

When I would visit her, we always dined there, upstairs in the bar, loading up on tapas and wine, while listening to some Flamenco guitar. A fellow Riverside grad was in town, and itching for some of their alioli and sangria, so we went to Sevilla, but opted for the closer locale in Long Beach.

Wait Until Next Week

Bree Crocetti’s weekly restaurant review , which usually appears in the Thursday edition, will be resumed next week. In the meantime, check out my blog.

Hungry for more? Check out http://triplecreme.blogspot.com/ ­