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How I Came to Tough Decisions on Prop....

Last month, the MTA Board approved an additional $54 million for an overpass in Culver City from the same source of money we've been requesting they use to build the Expo gLine underground in our South L.A. community and next to our schools and churches.

A Golden Day for Women, for African-Americans and for Admirers of...

It was an historic event for women and for everyone in the 47th California Assembly District.

On Tuesday May 13, Karen Bass became the 67th Speaker of the State Assembly, the second woman in California to gain such office (Doris Allen held the post in 1995).

Traffic, Building Remedies Are Available if We Work in Unison

Traffic is the biggest issue in Culver City with development a close second.

As we come to the last weekend before the City Council election, it strikes me the dichotomy between the interest in the Council race and specific issues that face residents namely traffic and development.

In fact, attendance at many of the candidate forums has been low.

Rose Garden of Gold Star Mothers Will be Rededicated on Jan....

[Editor’s Note: Dr. Anderson, a candidate for the City Council, will host an introductory fundraiser for her campaign on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2 to 5 p.m., at the Sunkist Park home of activists Madeline and Paul Ehrlich, 11472 Diller Ave., across from El Marino Park. 310.837.5692 or pmsha@aol.com.]

U.S. Rep. Diane Watson (D-Culver City) will be the featured speaker one week from Saturday, on Jan. 26, at the rededication of the American Gold Star Mothers’ Rose Garden, scheduled to take place at the Culver City Senior Center at 11:30.

State Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City) and State AssemblypersonKaren Bass (D-Culver City) have been invited to participate.