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On Way Out (?), Moran Rages at Corlin and Counsels His...

[Editor’s Note: Following yesterday’s team-wide email (See “Moran’s Answer to Council’s Ouster of His Edge Swim Team,” Oct. 29,) the week after he and his Edge Swim Team were evicted by the City Council from the city’s outdoor pool, Patrick Moran filed a new email today for the 350 members of the Edge community.]

Declining Culver City Enrollment Is Not Low Enrollment

Declining enrollment is not the same thing as low enrollment. The Culver City School District is at a relatively high historic enrollment level. It is experiencing a decline from a 25-year-plus peak, but we're not experiencing low enrollment. Does anyone else notice all the kids in our neighborhoods?

Shame on Culver City for Not Enforcing State Skater Law

[Editor’s Note: Cary Anderson, a Culver City parent, is a neighborhood activist who is known for capitalizing on his professional skills as a television camera operator by videoing scenes he finds worthy of protest. Last Monday at Culver City’s new Skateboard Park, he shot scenes of dozens of younger skaters flaunting safety rules by not wearing any of the three pieces of mandated equipment. Mr. Anderson carried his protest about the city’s alleged lack of enforcement to the City Council on Monday night. He was incensed by Mayor Alan Corlin’s observation that perhaps skaters could not afford to buy the equipment, and they should be given a pass. “We are not going to cite 5- or 10-year-olds,” Mr. Corlin said. “If their parents wanted them to have the equipment, they would. The skaters probably should be wearing safety equipment. But in the real world they don’t.”]

Dialogues About Permits Between a Star Activist and Other Parents

[Editor’s Note: Throughout the School District community, Robert Gray is regarded as one of the most ardent and best informed activists. He opens with a note to the newspaper.]

I've been writing e-mails to parents and residents concerning our schools.

Below is actually a chain that contains a few of the e-mails I sent out/wrote. Some are in response to parents’ responses, some are actually the parents’ responses themselves. (I took off names when I forwarded e-mails I received from parents.

Expo Environmental Racism Is Charged — And Parks Waves It Away

As South Los Angeles safety and environmental justice concerns focusing on the proposed Expo Light Rail Line continue to gain more attention, Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks suggests critics “stop wasting other people's time.”

The comment, directed to the leader of the Citizen’s Campaign to Fix the Expo Rail Line, was delivered after a scheduled Sunday afternoon event with Mr. Parks at Transfiguration Church. It reveals a growing concern among community leaders that the region's elected leaders are uninterested in addressing an issue that has prompted petitions, protests and lawsuits.