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After Revealing Killed List, Metro Should be Pushed Harder Toward Safety...

[Editor’s Note: South L.A. activist Damien Goodmon frequently writes on transportation issues, and he was busy following the fatal Chatsworth train crash on Friday, Sept. 12. A portion of the following essay appeared in Friday;s edition of the Daily News.]

Fiscal Year ‘08 was a “good year” for the Blue Line. It was “only” involved in 29 “reportable” accidents.

A Warrior Presses the MTA to Produce the Evidence He Is...

[Editor’s Note: As a thinker, journalist, activist and role model, the considerably talented Damien Goodmon is our candidate for the sharpest 26-year-old in Los Angeles. Readers are reminded that Mr. Goodmon has been an intrepid leader in an uphill campaign to convince the MTA to build an above-grade light rail crossing near Dorsey High School, for safety’s sake, instead of the more dangerous ground-level crossing that is planned.

Public Relations Operatives Are Fingered — And There is a PXP...

Who is Dakota Communications?

The company is led by Kerman Maddox and Rick Taylor.

The irony — that they were collecting signatures outside a Home Depot, which is one of their clients — is just too rich.

You see, about a year ago, Dakota Communications was caught doing the same thing they're doing here (creating a false sense of community support the Expo Line at street level), in Sunland, regarding a Home Depot development the community universally opposed.

It Is Time to Take Our Fight to the Streets

As reported by Betty Pleasant in this week’s The Wave, on Saturday the LAUSD and United Teachers Los Angeles will lead a protest that our Citizens’ Campaign to Fix the Expo Light Rail Line is supporting because they, too, oppose the unsafe street-level railroad crossings near our community's schools.

Stand Up for the Safety of Our Children

This Wednesday evening at 6:30 at the Foshay Learning Center auditorium the most important meeting to date in our battle with the MTA to build the Expo Line underground through the South L.A. community will take place.

The Judge and the Commissioner in our case before the California Public Utilities Commission, from whom the MTA must receive approval before they can lay tracks, will be providing one last opportunity for the public to comment before the Public Utilities Commission on the deadly, disruptive and discriminatory street-level railroad crossings around Dorsey High School, which is just 10 feet from the tracks, and Foshay Learning Center, which is just 50 feet from the tracks. ­

Proof That the MTA Values La Cienega More Than It Does...

Last month, the MTA Board approved an additional $54 million for an overpass in Culver City from the same source of money we've been requesting they use to build the Expo gLine underground in our South L.A. community and next to our schools and churches.

Is Parks Bankrolling Campaign with Illegal Contributions from MTA Contractors?

A coalition of homeowners associations and community groups that monitors the MTA and Expo Rail Line safety issues has demanded an immediate investigation into the alleged ethics law violations of their MTA Board Member and Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks, who is running for a seat on the County Board of Supervisors two weeks from today, June 3.

Still Seeking Traction in Light Rail Elevation Fight Near 2 Schools

[Editor’s Note: For months, Mr. Goodmon, a 26-year-old activist/journalist, has been conducting an aggressive but seemingly lonely campaign against certain Expo Line leaders who are bringing light rail from downtown to Culver City. Because of the proximity of two schools, Mr. Goodmon’s faction insists that the light rail be elevated, for safety purposes, at the Farmdale crossing just east of Culver City. Expo construction manager Rick Thorpe and others say the funding is not available. Here is the email he sent to authorities this morning.]

Culver City Was Taken Care of, Why Not South Los...

Last Thursday, , the MTA Board voted to increase the Expo Line budget by $54 million for a Culver City overpass, increasing the project budget to $862 million dollars for the 8.5-mile light rail line from Downtown Los Angeles to Culver City.

Of the $54 million, $4 million came from the City of Culver City while the remaining $50 million came from state Prop. 1B, the $19 billion transportation bond that was passed by voters in November of 2006.

Rebuking Santa Monica for Putting Itself Ahead of Our Safety

Today, our South L.A. community is literally fighting to save lives.

We’re fighting because a multitude of citizen voices that until some months ago were not very well organized were ignored for decades.

Ignored by the MTA. Ignored by the LADOT. Ignored by the Federal Transit Administration. Ignored by the California Public Utilities Commission. Ignored by County Supervisor Yvonne Burke, and City Council members Bernie Parks, Jan Perry and Herb Wesson who all sit on the Expo Line Board, which is responsible for building the Expo Line.