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Leading Reason to Vote McKenna: Character Counts

Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars telling voters that the most decorated educator in South L.A.(George McKenna) excused and was responsible for enabling child molestation? Character counts. Experience matters. District 1 is not for sale. For evidence, see ...

A Plea for Green Help

Our Crenshaw community-driven effort to inform, engage and empower Crenshaw stakeholders would not be possible without your active support and engagement. The Crenshaw Subway Coalition accomplished incredible feats in 2013, highlighted by the achievement of one of the community’s key design goals for the Crenshaw-LAX light rail line, a station at Leimert Park Village. Our struggle was even showcased on an international stage at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner through ...

Mr. Ridley-Thomas, We Are So Disappointed

Attn. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas: Many thought it tragically ironic that at Tuesday's Crenshaw/LAX Line groundbreaking you literally applauded the demolition of a school to ceremonially "start construction." The term used was "tragically ironic," because...

LAUSD Board Made the Right Call – Waiting

LAUSD School Board members Bennett Kayser, Monica Ratliff and Steve Zimmer stopped the rush two days ago to decide how to fill Marguerite LaMotte’s vacant seat before she has been laid to rest. “Rule 72″ is an LAUSD Board rule that requires...

Crenshaw Coalition Urges McKenna Choice Tomorrow for LAUSD Board

By unanimous vote of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition Board – and while I recused myself – we have committed to aggressively supporting the broad, growing community effort demanding the LAUSD School Board appoint Dr. George McKenna III to complete the late Marguerite LaMotte’s term. The following call to action is sent on behalf of the Appoint McKenna Coalition.

Crenshaw: Consider What Is at Stake in Tomorrow’s Election

Since she was first elected to the state Assembly in 2010, now state Sen. Holly Mitchell, along with her able staff, has been a vocal champion of the community's effort to underground the rail line on Crenshaw Boulevard. Those who attended the Showdown at MTA in July remember that she stood with the community, as we demanded that MTA allow the finalists for the project’s construction contract award to bid the Park Mesa Heights tunnel.

Is Metro Co-opting Residents from Crenshaw? Will Leahy Respond?

Editor’s Note: In the Crenshaw Subway Coalition’s unswerving campaign to have the last mile of the Crenshaw-LAX light rail built underground to avoid damaging businesses, in a letter sent 24 hours ago to Metro’s CEO, Mr. Goodmon questions the possibility of manipulation of Crenshaw community members.

Does MTA Board Have the Will to Make the Right Call...

When the discussion begins downtown tomorrow morning at the 9 o’clock MTA Board meeting about the scandal surrounding the Crenshaw-LAX light rail line award, let there be no mistake about who is in charge. MTA CEO Art Leahy is not in charge. Nobody voted for him. Mr. Leahy works at the pleasure of the MTA Board, which includes...

A Light Rail Scandal the Times Insists on Snubbing

This is just another reason to cancel your L.A. Times subscription if you still have one. We are doing everything short of writing the story and putting it on their printing presses ourselves to expose a scandal of massive proportions that surrounds the Crenshaw light rail Line contract award decision.

Scandal? MTA’s Leahy Slammed for Hiding a Crucial Crenshaw Offer

As reported in yesterday's L.A. Wave newspaper, at least one contractor for the Crenshaw-LAX light rail contract requested authority to submit a bid for the Crenshaw-LAX Line that included both the Leimert Park Village station and 11-block tunnel in Park Mesa Heights on Crenshaw Boulevard. He argued that..