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Who Is O’Leary or the City Council Kidding with a ‘Two-Year’...

Last Monday, I was on my way to a City Council meeting when I must have entered a time warp or something.

Instead of Culver City, I ended up in Bizarro World. You remember Bizarro World from the Superman comics. It is where up is down, left is right, bad is good, etc.

Neighbors Are Starting to Collaborate with Each Other Against Developer Assaults

For those of you have been unable to attend a City Council meeting in the last year, let me tell you what you missed.

The City Clerk will announce the name of a person who has turned in a card to address the City Council.

Don’t Tell Me It Is Time to Give up on Entrada...

I feel the need to respond to two recent articles in thefrontpageonline.com.

In an article of May 21 (“Doesn’t Anybody Know When to Leave the Stage, Gracefully?”), Mr. Noonan implies that people don’t seem to know when a decision is lost.

Yes, Hillary Clinton is the only one who doesn’t know her run for the Presidency is over.

Residents of Westchester Are Being Punished for Playa Vista

I found Ari Noonan’s City Council report of May 13 (“Entrada Opponents Still Are Winless. Weissman, O’Leary Tell Them Why”) a little equine.

The first part of the article made horse sense.

The second part of the article was different horse stuff.

I won’t say what it is.

Entrada Tower’s Strange and Twisting Path Is Full of Contrasts

Monday night, April 28, I attended the first meeting of the new City Council.

First, I would like to make an observation. Is it in the City code that the City Council cannot make decisions on the Entrada Office Tower until after midnight?

Of Developers and Scorpions: A Guy Needs to Keep an Eye...

Editor Ari Noonan’s description of developers (“Rising in Defense of the Smeared Class: Those Poor Developers,” April 18) created a strange picture in my mind.

I imagine looking across the Council Chambers and seeing a dozen men in overalls text messaging each other on the Blackberries. I was unaware that Gucci even made bib overalls.

An Ode to Anon

[Editor’s Note: Here is the latest volley in the continuing community debate over last week’s City Council approval of the 12-story, 190-foot Entrada Office Tower project. Our essayist Mr. Supple replies to the anonymously penned “In Rhyme with the Times,” last Thursday, April 17.]

You sat out there in the audience,
At the Council meeting Monday Night.
Among people opposing a big building, ­
And what just gives them the right.

A View From Entrada Tower: A Way All of...

They sat there for about 12 hours; like a group of undertakers in their dark suits, white shirts and somber expressions; waiting for the service to end so they could finish their work with our dearly departed. Then late Tuesday evening, the representatives from the Carlyle Mortuary wheeled out of the Council Chambers, the casket containing the will of the people.

The meeting began with one City Council person informing the public that we had just elected three morons to replace them.

Why It Is Crucial to Be in Council Chambers on...

Back in 1990, the voters of Culver City passed an initiative that limited the height of buildings in Culver City to 56 feet.

On Monday night, the City Council will be considering granting a developer an exception to this 56-foot height limit. This exception would allow the developer to construct a 220-foot office building. This is a building that will be four times the height limit passed by the voters of Culver City.

Even as the ordinance passed in 1990, the Council was looking for ways around the new law.

Attention Entrada Opponents: Here Is an Alert for April 14

We all remember the 1967 movie, “Rush to Judgment: The Plot to Kill JFK,” a documentary about the JFK assassination.

Now coming out of Culver City, the Heart of Screenland, is the sequel, “Rush to Judgment II: the Entrada Tower.” The sequel concerns the actions of a governmental body to get a money hungry developer’s large project approved before this governmental body is replaced.