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18-Story Plan for Hughes Center Is Called an ‘Environmental Disaster’

While we in Culver City are doing battle over the construction of four-story developments in the city, the city of Los Angeles is considering the approval of an 18-story building on our southern border.

Message to Minorities: You Can’t Be Elected If You Don’t...

At a recent City Council meeting a community member expressed what he thought was a possible solution to a problem that he perceived.

The perceived problem was the lack of minority representation on the City Council.

The Bidding Race for Scholarships in Culver City

The Culver City Community Scholarship Fund is an organization that started in the 1960s.

Its purpose was to provide scholarships to students graduating from Culver City High School. From a modest beginning, it has grown into its current size.

A Message to My Grandchildren: The Answer to Your Question...

There are two times each year where we tend to re-evaluate our lives, our birthday and at year’s end.

­­This is especially true as we get older.

With me it is the perfect storm. My birthday is at year end, and I am old enough where AARP has stopped sending me information. So in re-evaluating my life, I find myself trying to answer a question that I am asked, usually by grandchildren.

Forget Gaffe on Speaker Cards. Windy Councilmen Have the Power to...

An item at last Monday’s City Council meeting was pulled before it was ever discussed by the public.

This item would have changed the policy regarding how written comments on speaker cards are handled. The proposal stated that when there were more than 20 written comments, the comments wouldn’t be read to the Council but would be summarized by the City Clerk.

Circular Arguments on Developments Have Us Going in Circles. Where...

At last Monday’s City Council meeting, a resident from the Rancho Higuera area complained to the City Council about a city- sponsored meeting being held on a topic of interest to Rancho Higuera without notification to the residents of the area.

The Council Meeting Looked Stacked, and Public Notification Became Less Important

One of the decisions at the Nov. 10 City Council meeting left me concerned.

An item on that meeting’s agenda dealt with approving a contract with an organization to accept stray animals picked up in Culver City. The animals picked up in Culver City can now be taken to a shelter in Hawthorne instead of the Carson shelter. It was not the item itself that concerned me but the process it went through before coming to the City Council.

Disputed Irving Place Project Unites Neighbors in a Way Silbiger Could...

I have been following the City Council meetings, in person or on television, for a number of years.

Reflecting back on these meetings, I found something interesting. For about six years Councilman Gary Silbiger has been requesting the Council agendize the formation of neighborhood councils.

A Dash of Unsolicited Advice from Our Man ...

[Editor’s Note: The final community meeting on Baldwin Hills oil drilling before the close of the public comment period on Tuesday, will be held tonight at 6 at the Consolidated Board of Realtors, 3725 Don Felipe Dr.]

To Drill or Not: Differences Between the Board of Sups and...

It is interesting to note the different positions taken by our various governmental bodies.

The Federal government will not permit drilling in the vast unpopulated area of Anwar because it may upset some caribou.