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Camarella Responds to Pleasant’s View of Perceived Dispute

Editor’s Note: After journalist Betty Pleasant wrote a story for yesterday’s edition saying there had been a dispute between Democratic party activist Tom Camarella and state Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas over 54th Assembly District, Mr. Camarella sent the following response this afternoon to Ms. Pleasant.

So Where’s the Search?

[Editor’s Note: Here is the presentation that the community activist Tom Camarella, president of the Democratic Club, made to the City Council on Monday night, advocating a change in the chief executive.]

I was an appointed member of the Charter Review Committee that worked for one year to analyze the old Charter to see if improvements were needed. We drafted a new Charter, worked for its passage, and I am happy that the citizens voted the new Charter in by a wide margin.

One of the major changes in the Charter was a change from the Chief Administrative Officer model to the City Manager form of local government. In numerous discussions by the committee, one of the positive and important arguments for the change to City Manager was the familiarity of the executive management form of local government by those who could apply for positions. Instead of candidates being hesitant to apply for a CAO type of position, we should see a substantial increase in qualified applicants when and if we switched from CAO to City Manager.

City Councilperson, Gary Silbiger

I am helping our incumbent City Councilperson, Gary Silbiger, to be re-elected on April 11 for several reasons:
·  Gary has consistently supported and voted giving increased notice to relevant parties, be they residents, homeowners or developers;
·  Gary has encouraged interested parties to come to meetings and make their voices heard;
·  Gary appreciates how difficult it is for some people to stand up and speak at meetings. He has always been respectful and listened to the comments made, be they oral or written statements;

Where They Are Wrong

     In a recent article in the Culver City News, a group of residents raised four arguments against the new Charter Amendment that will be on the April ballot.  Although every member of the community needs to make up his/her own mind about Measure V, it would be helpful to do so based on accurate information. 
     Culver City’s Charter – our municipal constitution — was adopted in 1947, and it has not changed much in fifty-nine years. . In April’s election, we will have an opportunity to bring our local government into the twenty-first century. 
     Last year, the City Council created a ten-member committee to review the Charter and to propose changes.  Each member of the City Council picked two citizens with Culver City experience and/or expertise