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Charter Change Critic Hits Fulwood’s Expansion Plans

I have read with great interest the accounts of last week’s City Council meeting:

Specifically with regard to City Manager Jerry Fulwood’s broad reorganization plans for City Hall.

While I concur that Culver City, like most government bureaucracies (and most large businesses), is fraught with waste and over-staffing, I cannot endorse Mr. Fulwood’s plan.

None of the articles in the local press mentioned that Mr. Fulwood’s reorganization plan, which would cut jobs as they become vacant, significantly increases the size of his own department.

Why I Am Voting No on Measure V

     Measure V on the April 11 ballot is an all-encompassing rewrite of our City Charter. 
     Parts of the proposed new charter are long-needed, and I would avidly support the changes.  However, the Charter Review Committee was adamant in its position that this should be one ballot measure, and not several.
     Since there are parts of the revision that I cannot support, I must Vote No.
     The proponents of Measure V have failed to convince me of the interrelationship among several of the components as their argument for only one ballot measure.