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Culver City Dems Need to Modernize – Allow Absentee Voting

After last month's School Board elections, the time has come to fully value the members of the Culver City Democratic Club – all members, not just a few. If one pays dues, one should be able to voice an opinion, regardless of whether the person attends the endorsement meeting. Imagine the cacophony if general election ballots were only...

For Now, Levin Is Here to Serve. Pancakes.

Veterans Park was dripping with School Board campaign talk and blueberry syrup this past Saturday. More than 200 children, parents and seniors came out in the early morning hours to meet the candidate Dr. Steve Levin and dine on free pancakes.

Aw, I Thought Lady X Was Stuck on Me – Not...

Second of two parts. This was a Saturday night, and by the time the tow truck arrived, it was 1:30. Because of the lateness of the hour and the 80-degree-plus heat, my date and I were hot, exhausted,on edge. The tow truck driver hooked up the Lincoln, and we piled into the front seat of his non-air conditioned truck. Lady X was in the middle as we headed for Santa Monica. Lucky for us the driver had...

My Innocent Date Morphed Into a Frankenstein Nightmare

By the time I work up the nerve to ask someone out, she is married and has two kids. That actually happened to me. I finally had enough nerve to ask Lady X out for a dinner date and show. A good friend was the production manager at one of SoCal’s best live theaters, and sometimes I took him up on his offers for...

Why I Am Backing Cooper

As a former Mayor of Culver City, I understand the complexities of performing the duties of a City Council member. The diverse and complex issues that come before the Council must be dispatched with both forthrightness and compassion. I am voting for Jeff Cooper for City Council on April 13.

A Childhood and the Residue of Wartime

[Editor’s Note: On Veterans Day, when wartime memories return, Mr. Corlin, a former Mayor of Culver City, reflects on scenes from his youth in an East Coast community.]

Why He Favors Malsin

     I am supporting Scott Malsin for City Council in Tuesday’s election. Scott has consistently demonstrated his ability to get things done and not just hope others will do something in the future.
     He is a staunch supporter of homeowner’s rights, and he proved it when he revitalized his neighborhood group.
     He is able to balance the needs of both business and homeowner, and he is proving it during his tenure on the Planning Commission.
     He has consistently taken on the difficult jobs and seen them through to good conclusions, and he proved it during his tenure as Fiesta Chair, to name just one example. 
     He is the right person to represent us on City Council right now.
     I urge you to vote for Scott Malsin on Tuesday.
Alan Corlin, Culver City
 Mr. Corlin is a member of the City Council.