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Robert L. Rosebrock


On Veterans Day, Veterans Summoned to Fight for Their Home

Eighty-five-year old World War II Veteran Dan Overmyer has called a press conference for 2 p.m. tomorrow, Veterans Day, to unite fellow Veterans and to declare opposition against the chained, padlocked front gates at the entry of the Los Angeles National Veterans Home while 20,000 fellow Veterans remain homeless on the dangerous streets of Los Angeles.

Sunday Will Be a Special Date for Marching Veterans at the...

Attention Veterans and Friends of Veterans: Sunday afternoon will mark our 80th consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans Land,” that is the National Veterans Home, from preying entrepreneurs. Our rally is at the northeast corner of Wilshire and San Vicente boulevards.

He Tries to Knock Out a Boxer — and a Senator

I don't know if you all saw the article recently about U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Ca).

When testifying before her in Congress, Sen. Boxer admonished a Brigadier General because he addressed her as “ma'am” and not “Senator.”

Outrage Over VA Spying on Veterans in Their 60s,70s and 80s

Last Sunday, June 28, 2009, is a day that will live in both infamy and honor in the lives of America's Military Veterans and We the People.

A Look at the Record of Land Pilfered from Veterans

At our 65th consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans Land,” which was last week on Flag Day, we had our American flags hanging upside down.

Is Yaroslavsky Deputy, Krisiloff, Guilty of Conflict of Interest?

Second in a series

Previously, “L.A.’s Royalty Must Serve Veterans, Not  Rule Against Them

Unfortunately, during the past two Presidential administrations, military Veterans have painfully watched this sacred land that was specifically deeded in their behalf prostituted away for non-Veteran use, with no effective line of defense against the egregious land grabbing.

L.A.’s Royalty Must Serve Veterans, Not Rule Against Them

First in a series

For decades, Los Angeles County has been the most populous county in the nation, more than 10 million residents. 

Moreover, there are more than 400,000 Veterans living within L.A. County and more than one million who live within 50 miles of the VA Greater West Los Angeles Healthcare System, the largest VA in the nation.

An Outrageously Unfair Fee to Charge Veterans for 2...

Previously, “An Ardent Plea to President to  Reverse a Scandalous Situation

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:

As you will recall, one of the first things that President Obama did upon taking office four months ago was to announce that his administration was adopting a policy of general principles on transparency and open government.

Apparently the West Los Angeles VA bureaucrats didn't get the memo.

Rare Peek Inside: A Noble Judge Celebrates Brave Japanese-American Veterans

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:

Please read the following speech that Judge Vince Okamoto of Inglewood gave a little more than a month ago.