Robert L. Rosebrock
The Risk Taker vs. the Profit Taker
• It’s the American entrepreneur, not the government, who takes the risk to build a new business to benefit America’s citizenry and enhance our economy.
America Salutes You
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
Today is a special Veterans Day, falling on 11-11-11. It won't happen for another 100 years.
Today is a special Veterans Day, falling on 11-11-11. It won't happen for another 100 years.
Going for the Muscle, Veterans Seek Obama Executive Order
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
Here are a letter and a resolution that were sent to President Obama last week, and delivery of the package has been confirmed.
Here are a letter and a resolution that were sent to President Obama last week, and delivery of the package has been confirmed.
Mass Psychology Is Behind Veterans’ Genocide
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
At last Sunday’s Veterans press conference, Rusty Rustan, a disabled Vietnam War Veteran from Orange County, spoke on behalf of the Paralyzed Veterans Assn.
At last Sunday’s Veterans press conference, Rusty Rustan, a disabled Vietnam War Veteran from Orange County, spoke on behalf of the Paralyzed Veterans Assn.
The Los Angeles Times and the VA Land-Lease Scam
Yesterday the Associated Press released an overview story about the West Los Angeles VA terminating three commercial leases it had with non-Veteran organizations on property exclusively deeded as a permanent National Home for Disabled Veterans.
Veterans Picnic Is Tomorrow
Five chapters of the Vietnam Veterans of America are hosting the Veterans’ Grand Picnic Summer Celebration, on Saturday afternoon, from 12 noon to 4, on the Grand Lawn of the Los Angeles National Veterans Home.
Veterans’ Rally Streak Is at 176
Last Sunday, Steve Mackey (above), President, California State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America, and his wife Elayne drove in from Riverside, more than a 150-mile round trip, to participate in our 176th consecutive Sunday Rally to protest the crass uses to which some parts of the National Veterans Home property are being put.
Veterans to March for 173rd Straight Sunday
Fellow Veterans and friends of Veterans:
What do the American Revolution and the Veterans Revolution have in common?
What do the American Revolution and the Veterans Revolution have in common?