Home Authors Posts by Robert L. Rosebrock

Robert L. Rosebrock


Dianne and Henry Jump Fast on Gun Issue –They Don’t Jump...

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:

Disrespecting the American Flag in Culver City

When life or property is in extreme danger, an internationally recognized symbol of distress is to hang the American flag with the union down:

Vets Call on President to Declare State-of-Emergency in Los Angeles

On behalf of disabled and homeless Veterans, the Old Veterans Guard has sent a Resolution and information package to President Obama requesting him to declare a state-of-emergency for homeless Veterans in Los Angeles .

Zen and Waxman’s Legacy

Wei Wu Wei, the legendary Zen Master, profoundly noted:

The Race Was Over When the Fat Guv (No Lady) Sang

As the Presidential race was whirling toward its final days, Gov. Romney was experiencing a strong momentum in his favor.

Obama’s America, Believe It or Not

Four years ago, Barack Obama declared he was the unifier America needed.

Henry Waxman’s Legacy

When you read the edited “full biography” of U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman on his website (http://waxman.house.gov/bio), you will think this is the most powerful, thoughtful visionary in government. .

Applause For Homeless Veterans, Not Politicians

While campaigning, seasoned, savvy politicians will address a crowd by extolling the virtues of all he or she has done or will do if elected. When the audience applauds, a good public servant will stay focused on that issue and shy away from the others.

Obama's Flexibility With the Russian Navy Before the Election

During last night’s Presidential debate, our Commander-in-Chief tried to make fun of Gov. Mitt Romney's call to strengthen our nation's military by rebuilding our Navy.

This Should Frost You: 50 Bucks to Watch the Wrong Debate...

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: