Robert L. Rosebrock
Feuer Supports Public Park at VA Over Housing for Homeless Veterans
First in a series. Veterans Park Conservancy, which is not a Veterans’ organization but a wealthy homeowner group in Brentwood, obtained an unprecedented long-term “sharing agreement” with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs to build a public park “for the enjoyment of the entire community” on a billion-dollar parcel of Veterans property … “rent free.” Meanwhile, more than 20,000 disabled, disadvantaged military Veterans have been exiled from these sacred grounds deeded 125 years ago in their sole behalf.
AAA Flag & Banner Disrespects the American Flag and Those Who...
Let us be grateful that the men and women who defend the American flag and our nation’s freedom don't do it with the same shoddiness and disrespect that AAA Flag & Banner does when it hangs American flags outside the largest VA Hospital in the nation, where Veterans are trying to heal from defending the American flag.
National Emergency – Reinstate the Draft
America is in a state of emergency as disabled and homeless Veterans are abused and neglected by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. Fellow Americans, Reveille is sounding. It is time to wake up. Our country is in a state of emergency.
Where Do You Stand?
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) stood up this week and delivered an historic 13-hour filibuster that forced the Obama administration to reverse course on its policy that it had the right to use military drone strikes against American citizens on U.S. soil – without due process. This would have been unconstitutional.
Re-living a Veteran’s Sunday Afternoon One More Time
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
Sunday's 125th anniversary celebration of the Deed of 1888 was a great success, and we thank all who joined and participated in this noble cause. We are particularly proud of the lead guest speaker for the event, Anneke Barrie, who represented Arcadia B. de Baker's descendants
Sunday Will Be a Bittersweet Day for Veterans
Sunday is "Veterans Appreciation Day" to celebrate the legal Deed and Charitable Trust of 1888 that granted 600 acres to the Government of the United States to build and permanently maintain a National Home for disabled and disadvantaged Veterans to ensure that there would never be a homeless Veteran in Los Angeles. On Sunday, in front of the Home between 1 o’clock and 4, we celebrate the Veterans "Promised Land."
Suicide Watch: Veterans to Seek Justice for Disabled Homeless Veterans
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans - More than 500,000 U.S. military Veterans had a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis in fiscal year 2012 while the suicide rate for Veterans continues to soar: Twenty-two self-sacrificing deaths every day, one every 65 minutes, on average.
A Federal Judge, VA Land Hackers and Homeless Veterans
A federal judge recently sentenced a man to 10 years in prison after he hacked into the personal online accounts of Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson and recording star Christina Aguilera. The man, Christopher Chaney, posted their revealing photos and other material on the Internet for public use. The case included the revelation that nude...
Henry’s Jokes Make You Want to Cry
Westside Congressman Henry Waxman has played a cruel joke on the housing and care of mentally and physically disabled homeless Veterans in Los Angeles that should bring tears to any patriotic American who loves his freedom and independence.
Merry Christmas for Dogs – Another Unhappy Christmas for Veterans
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: