Home Authors Posts by Robert L. Rosebrock

Robert L. Rosebrock


Sen. Warren's Illegal Fundraiser at Los Angeles VA

Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, has allowed the Los Angeles VA to be used as a political fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Ma) while the Vietnam Veterans of America, Region 9 service organization, has been denied a permit to host their fourth \annual Veterans Summer Celebration & Picnic on these same sacred grounds.

President’s Ill Form – He Strikes Out by Protecting Shinseki

Last Aug. 29, U.S District Judge S. James Otero entered a federal judgment against the defendants for violating the Administrative Procedures Act with nine separate real estate dealings that were "unauthorized by law and therefore void." All nine illegal agreements are with non-Veteran entities for non-Veteran use at the expense of tens of thousands of disabled, homeless Veterans who have been discriminatorily and "permanently banned" from this sacred property by VA Secretary Eric T. Shinseki and his Los Angeles staff.

For Incompetency Alone, VA’s Shinseki Must Be Ousted

What will it take for the Commander-in-Chief, for the President of the United States to exercise his entrusted responsibility on behalf of America's military Veterans and fire VA Secretary Gen. Eric Shinseki for his failed leadership and incompetence?

Feinstein Rewards Apparent Pal with High-Profile Nomination

Second in a series. One of the unlawful contracts by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is with her affluent, influential friends in a neighboring community, adjacent to the VA property. A 30-year agreement was manipulated to build a public park on Veterans’ property "for the enjoyment of the entire community." Meanwhile, tens of thousands of disabled, disadvantaged Veterans have been exiled, forced into ...

Sen. Feinstein Rewards Rich Cronies at the Expense of Veterans

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) continues to violate her public, trust which already has linked her to the misappropriation of federal VA property that rewards her wealthy, powerful friends while punishing war-injured and impoverished homeless Veterans. Now the senator has rewarded a U.S. Attorney who waged war against the landmark ACLU lawsuit that exposed what Veteran activists have known and openly protested for six years -- that the VA is dealing in ...

Time to Loudly Demand Feds Drop Their Wasteful Appeal

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, I have attached a factual outline and summary of the ACLU lawsuit and the federal judgment that has been appealed by the VA along with Brentwood School and UCLA. As you will note at the end of the ACLU outline, the VA's Appeal will not be heard possibly before 2015, which is when VA Secretary/defendant Eric Shinseki has promised to end ...

Open Letter to the VA Chief of Police

Dear Chief Casey: On March 9, the L.A. Marathon will once again overwhelm the Los Angeles VA with an estimated 30,000 runners charging through these grounds where war-injured Veterans are trying to heal from defending our nation's flag and Constitution.

We Need Your Help to Cleanse the Grounds

Attention members of the media: Every year for more than 15 years, the PGA has held a professional golf tournament at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades. Attendees take over the Los Angeles VA by parking their luxury cars on VA property. They are ...

Best Way for Veterans and Friends to Spend Super Bowl Sunday

Vietnam Veterans of America is the nation's only congressionally chartered Veterans Service Organization dedicated to the needs of Vietnam Era veterans and their families. VVA's founding principle is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”

New Sheriff Needs a New Badge Shape?

On the same day that Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca announced his resignation, three County Supervisors voted to restore a small cross on top of the San Gabriel Mission that is depicted in the County seal. With the ACLU’s seemingly endless cross-hunt agenda now insisting that the Supervisors are trying to “smuggle” the cross onto the County seal, this seems like the perfect time to put everything into perspective with a new Sheriff and a new Sheriff’s badge.