Robert L. Rosebrock
Mr. Lieu, Mr. Carr, Where Do You Stand on the VA?
Please read the attached by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK), a comprehensive report on all that is wrong with the VA all across America. Perhaps this statement by a former Defense Secretary underscores what we have known to be the problem here in Los Angeles.
I Swear Garcetti Could Aid Veterans as Fast as He Helped...
Yesterday, the Los Angeles Kings hockey team celebrated their Stanley Cup victory with a massive street parade, including another packed gathering at Staples Center while Mayor Eric Garcetti dropped the f-bomb on live national television. Mayor Garcetti was holding up a bottle of beer as he told more than 20,000 screaming fans inside Staples Center:
We Have a State of Emergency – Your Move Is Next
Dear Congressman Waxman: As you know, we have repeatedly and respectfully requested that you join with President Obama to declare a state of emergency in Los Angeles for disabled and homeless Veterans. Both of you have refused to provide any emergency humanitarian relief project at the Los Angeles VA here in our nation's capital for homeless Veterans.
Imploring Waxman to Do the Right Thing for Veterans
As you probably know, the two candidates running to replace U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman in the 33rd Congressional District are both Veterans. While their politics certainly differ -- one's a Republican and the other a Democrat -- they should be unified on turning around the Los Angeles VA, the largest VA in the nation, which has become an international disgrace.
‘We Will Accept Nothing Less Than Full Victory’
Fellow Americans, As we know, today is the 70th anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy -- D-Day -- the great crusade that essentially changed World War II and led to the overthrow of Nazism and to the liberation of Europe.
Mrs. Obama’s Outrage Arrives Too Late
Fellow Americans and Friends of Veterans, First Lady Michelle Obama yesterday declared a "moral outrage" that 58,000 Veterans across America are homeless. While that figure is conservative, in November 2009 the President and the ex-VA Secretary promised to end all Veteran homelessness within five years, or by November 2014. The latest claim of moral outrage is ...
We Have Found the Enemy
War is hell. Whether America’s military men and women are fighting a war or trying to heal from fighting a war, it’s always hell because the war never ends. When our military troops go to war, they serve under the Dept. of Defense as highly trained professional warriors who are equipped with the finest defense weapons in the world to defeat the toughest enemies in the world. After returning from war, they are to be served by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) with ...
Duty, Honor, Failure
First of two parts. From a West Point cadet to chief of staff of the United States Army, Eric K. Shinseki was promoted to the top of his profession and retired with revered accolades. He was appointed Secretary of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, the VA failing greater than any of his six predecessors. How could that happen?
Military Now Turns Down 80 Percent of Applicants
Only two out of ten applicants are accepted into our military. The other eight cannot meet the strict set of standards pertaining to physical fitness, appearance (i.e., tattoos), intelligence test results and an applicant’s criminal history. Yet why do so many of the exceptional two out of the 10 end up with mental, physical and emotional problems after serving in the military?
Rosebrock Tangles with Board of Supes Over Space for Veterans
Editor’s Note: Most recent correspondence between Veterans leader/activist and the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors over accommodating a Veterans group with building space.