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Robert L. Rosebrock


Call for Impeaching Judge Otero in VA Scandal Case

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero has ignored a temporary restraining order sought one week ago by the ACLU against the Dept. of Veterans Affairs to stop the Veterans Park Conservancy from any further illegal construction on federal VA property.

The Day the Spotless Wooden Legacy Disappeared from UCLA

Over past years, most of us associate UCLA’s athletic program with not only building national championship teams, but in championing individual character-building. Without equal, John Wooden set the bar highest went it came to winning basketball championships. His record 10 NCAA titles during a 12-year period remain unchallenged because he set the highest standards in developing the best athletic ability and performance from his players on the court.

VA Official Claims No Knowledge of Building on the Site

In this week of Veterans Day, we should be hearing good news. Instead of honoring our fellow Veterans, the Los Angeles VA bureaucrats were saluting Veterans Park Conservancy, which is not a Veterans organization but a wealthy homeowner group.

Happy Veterans Day – VA to Can Junior Violators, Not the...

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald has submitted a list to the House Veterans Affairs Committee for up to a thousand VA employees for disciplinary action, most of them rank-and-file employees, those who took orders from those who should be fired and prosecuted.

Don’t Skip to the Lieu or Drive a Carr When You...

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans - Freedom to vote is an individual right for American citizens who are 18 or older and are properly registered. We have free elections in America because brave men and women who serve in our military pledge their lives to protect and defend our unparalleled way of life. Today we get to vote for ...

To Vets, Waxman’s Successor Looks as Weak as He Has Been

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

I have attached an overview essay on "Henry Waxman's Legacy" published two years when he was running for his 20th term in Congress.

Veterans Are Searching for a Few Good Samaritans

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

Read the attached overview about the lack of Good Samaritans today while we have an abundance of thieves, cowards, bullies who refuse to help our disabled and homeless Veterans.

Here Is Why Veterans Should Drive Right Carr Nov. 4.

Lest we forget, Barack Obama's Dept. of Justice and U.S. Attorneys fought the ACLU's lawsuit against the VA and lost. Then they appealed the federal judgment that was entered against the VA for engaging in nine real estate deals with non-Veteran entities, which are "unauthorized by law and therefore void."

Our Fellow Patriot Turns 95 Today

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, tToday is Aldo Dipre's 95th birthday. Aldo is a loyal member of the Old Veterans Guard, a true inspiration. His loyal commitment to ...

A Little Deceptive, but a Foolproof Way to Guard President

As we know, there's been a serious breach of public trust due to the Secret Service's failure to fully protect the United States President, his family, and the White House, as outsiders continue to climb the fence and get on the White House lawn, even inside the White House. Here's a suggestion ...