Home Authors Posts by Paul Mirengoff

Paul Mirengoff


First Ladies Who Are Cool

Melania Trump met yesterday with Michelle Obama at the White House. I doubt that two more physically attractive women have ever met in this...

Obama Can’t Wait

The Daily Caller reports that a moment of silence remembering the Sept. 11 victims at a Pentagon memorial service began early in order to...

Obama Frees the Dregs

Yesterday, President Obama commuted the sentences of 214 people serving federal prison sentences. Mr. Obama has granted a total of 562 commutations — a...

Hillary Is One of Us

Yesterday, the Washington Post’s editors weighed in (http://www.union-bulletin.com/opinion/opinion_columns/ms-clinton-s-willful-misjudgments/article_ee6269bc-2355-11e6-888e-43780be2829e.html) on the new report from the State Dept.’s Inspector General regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private...