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Henry Waxman Shut Me Down

Re “Bloomfield Is Just What Waxman Dreaded”

Placing the Blame in NYC for Sandy – and Exposing Antonio’s...

Of Hurricane Sandy and Mayor Villaraigosa’s love life:

39 Reasons That May Influence You Not to Vote for Obama

Do not blame it on racism, please.

Parks’s Advice on How to Stay Safe on Halloween

[Editor’s Note: From the Daily News, the Los Angeles City Councilman passes along practical advice for and about this evening’s Halloween visitors.]

Meghan Explains Why Y Isn’t Just Desirable but Necessary to Maintain...

City Councilperson Meghan Sahli-Wells has been extolling the virtues of Measure Y over the past two months to neighborhood associations, community groups, students, and friends.

A Plea from the Vice Mayor on Measure Y

Vice Mayor Jeff Cooper today took a few moments to discuss the upcoming election with a group of undecided voters about Measure Y, Culver City’s half-cent sales tax increase that is intended to bridge City Hall’s $8 million budget deficit.

I Have Questions About the Shoddy Clouds Around Huizar’s Car Crash

[Editor’s Note: Driving a city-owned Toyota Highlander, Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar, 44, was involved in a three-car accident last evening between 6 and 7 o’clock on East 1st Street in East L.A. The car in front of him sustained heavy damage. Mr. Huizar passed a sobriety test and was released.]

Tis Almost the Night Before the Election. How I Am Voting.

[Editor’s Note: The Los Angeles City Councilman may be contacted at bernardparks.com]

Weissman and Clarke Discuss Measure Y with Raintree Residents

Mayor Andy Weissman and City Councilman Jim Clarke recently finished their citywide tour by sitting down with residents of Raintree to discuss Measure Y.