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My Opinion


Growing Number of Israelis Ready for a Ceasefire, but Half Are...

A new survey by The Israeli Center for Political Training reported by Arutz 7 reported that 26% of Israelis prefer to see a cease-fire put into place as soon as possible. This is significantly higher than the 16% felt that Israel should agree to a cease fire in a survey fielded by iPanel ShiluvMillwardBrown.

‘Raising Hell’ Kicks Off Holiday Season at Operation Hope Cyber Cafe

[Editor’s Note: A personalized perspective on Najee Ali’s booksigning.]

Where Bloomfield Went Wrong: Not Making a Clean, Permanent Break

Although U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman won the 33rd Congressional District against Independent challenger Bill Bloomfield last week, the reforms Bloomfield promoted and the voters supported (Open Primaries and Citizens Redistricting Commissions) have accomplished much more for the state.

We Showed Re-electing Waxman Was Not a Cinch, Bloomfield Says

[Editor’s Note: After losing his 33rd Congressional District race last week to 19-term U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Westside/South Bay), Mr. Bloomfield, an Independent, sent the following message to supporters.]

A New Collaborative Spirit Is Flowing Through the School District

[Editor’s Note: Mr. LaRose, in his fourth month as the new Superintendent, sent the following message of the season to all members of the School District staff.]

Herb Wesson’s Back Room Sales Tax Deal

Rather than make the tough decisions involving structural reform of the city’s wobbly finances and inefficient operations, on, the Herb Wesson-led Los Angeles City Council today is expected to kick the can down the road once again.

Why the Influence of Money in Elections Is Waning Fast

Citizens United, billions of campaign dollars and commercials later, the United States is as polarized as ever.

For All of Us, ‘Mourning’ Can Become Morning Again

President Obama is reelected. The Senate is still in Democratic hands with a greater majority than before.

Walsh Frets About Measure J, Goodmon Is Confident of ‘an Epic...

[Editor’s Note: The outcome of Mayor Villaraigosa’s Measure J bid, a proposed 30-year extension (until 2069) of a half-cent sales tax increase to fund mass transportation, continued to lose this morning, still short of the required two-thirds voter approval. Counting, however, is incomplete, with 64.72 percent saying yes, 35.28 percent no. That is the subject of the following late night dialogue.]

Jews Forged Biggest Drop of Support for Obama

[Editor’s Note: The author is a demographer/writer for the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.]