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My Opinion


Measure J, I Pronounce You Even Deader Than Before

Despite the "recount rooting" by the Los Angeles Times over the past three weeks for Measure J to stage a miraculous come from way, way, way, behind photo finish victory, MTA has lost.

Gaza Fighting Is No Motivation for Israelis to Abandon The Land

Will Israeli Jews be leaving Israel as a result of the hundreds of missiles fired into Israel during Operation Pillar of Defense, the Israel Defense Forces operation in the Gaza Strip from 14 Nov. to 21 Nov.?

Riordan’s Dead Proposal Was the Only True Pension Reform Attempt

LA Watchdog: The contribution by the City of Los Angeles to the Fire and Police Pension Plans (the “FPP Plans”) is projected to be $562 million, a six-fold, $475 million increase compared to the $87 million payment 10 years ago.

As One Who Appreciates Wisdom

Albert Einstein

Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the universe

Gaza 2012: Proportionality and Collective Punishment

It would be a denial of reality to assume that only a small group of terrorists could be involved in the thousands of documented acts of terror in the past 10 years by Palestinian Arabs.

Behind the Newest One Child Left Behind Alarcon Scandal

[Editor’s Note: A post-midnight message this morning, and a followup, to David Zahniser, who covers City Hall for the Los Angeles Times, regarding the daughter of Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon.]

Still Feeling the Effects of Bush’s Failed Policies

"What caused all of this to happen?"

What Price Will Obama Make Israel Pay?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is heading to the Middle East. The outgoing chief diplomat arrives just as a cease-fire may be about to take hold, even though rockets continued to hit Israeli cities today. But whether she seeks to take credit for the halt to the fighting or not, her arrival is bound to set off a wave of speculation about what price the Obama administration is about to try to exact from Israel for its diplomatic support in the past week.

Azerbaijan’s Consul General Needs to Learn How to Use a Laptop

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Sassounian is publisher of the 54-year-old Armenian weekly, the California Courier. His latest essay was forwarded by Hovsep Fidanian of Glendale (fidan@charter.net)]

For What Do Americans Thirst Most? Liberty Is Not the Answer

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) epitomizes the American libertarian revolution against Big Government, leading the charge of individual liberty before Ronald Reagan entered the White House.