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My Opinion


A Wandering, Passionate Jew Wonders Where His True Home Really...

Whenever the landing gear touches the tarmac of the Holy Land, I am overcome with emotion.

My eyes fill with tears of joy and sorrow.

I remember not long ago when travelers had to walk down the ambulatory steps attached to the aircraft, filling their lungs with Tel Aviv’s humid air as they waited to board the bus for the one-minute ride to the terminal. Now the aircraft unloads directly into the most modern and air conditioned terminal in the Middle East.

Forget Liberal and Conservative. An Equal Balance of Heart...

I had just sat down at my favorite morning eatery ready for another California day when two of the local early risers got my attention with some feisty political banter.

Aware of what they were saying, I was more concerned with not angering Monica with my indecisiveness when I was knocked about the head with a right-wing jab. “Liberal politics are derived from emotion,” boasted the familiar voice, rising to a crescendo to accent his point.

I Invite Fellow Conservative Blacks to Wage a Fight That...

Hello, everybody.

The iron is hot, and we must strike now.

We are at the optimum time to deal the Democratic Party a devastating, if not lethal, political blow, thanks to the ever growing real possibility that the “Ted Hayes brand” can defeat what U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters has presented to America for the last 14 years.

Fulwood Should Go Now — City Can’t Afford to Wait Until...

Everyone is looking at the economy today and wondering:

How could we have listened to these executives and legislators the last few years?

They told us everything was great, that we were in a strong financial position, but we needed those extra tax dollars to build for the future.

Wrongfully, we assumed that they we talking about the future our communities, not about building their own.

To Those Who Have No Faith, Life Is a Matter...

The other day my friend Karl asked me, “Danny, do you ever feel fed up with religion?”

“Sometimes,” I answered, “Why are you asking me that question?”

“Because the Jewish New Year is around the corner, and I’m reflecting,” he said.

“I‘m having a hard time believing in a Creator.

Change is on the Way

[Editor’s Essay: This is the first in a series of political essays by Culver City homegrown political analyst Karlo Silbiger.]

Every four years the pundits, candidates, political operatives and party faithful come around to tell us that “this election is the most important in a generation.” They explain what’s at stake, over- emphasizing the differences between the candidates, and imploring you to become involved. Most of the time, this is all made- up enthusiasm that is not borne out by the number of people who vote (or even pay attention to the campaign), contribute money, volunteer, or really even care who wins.

Republican Strategist Brought in to Help Parks in Supervisor Race

The BizFed, a new political action committee set up to elect candidates who put big business and other special interests ahead of average citizens, has hired Republican top-gun Steve Kinney to help elect Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks to the County Board of Supervisors on Nov. 4.

Mr. Kinney has been a top strategist and pollster for the National Republican Congressional Committee and for several Republican governors, congressmembers and legislators.

An Obama Documentary at the Next Meeting of Republican Group

At next Wednesday evening’s meeting of the Los Angeles Republican Alliance in Culver City, the film “Hype — The Obama Effect,” a documentary, will be shown.

We will meet at 7:30 on Sept. 24, at the newly refurbished Denny’s Restaurant on Jefferson Boulevard, a half-block west of the 405 Freeway.

Citizens’ Group Posts 31 Changes on Drilling for...

[Editor’s Note: As a co-leader with John Kuechle of the Greater Baldwin Hills Alliance, the citizens’ group for renewed and expanded drilling in the Inglewood oil field, Mr. Kutcher has prepared probably the clearest and most succinct summary of the residents’ concerns and needs regarding drilling by Plains, Exploration & Production Co. The County Regional Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on recommended regulations on Wednesday, Oct. 1, at 9 a.m., at 320 W. Temple St., Room 150, downtown Los Angeles.]

Crest Activist Circulates Oil Drilling Petition

[Editor’s Note: The latest attempt by citizens of the Culver Crest area to influence what they call “responsible drilling” in the Inglewood oil field — before government regulations are finalized — is the petition presented below. The petition is being circulated under the signature of community activist Suzanne De Benedittis, a former Catholic nun with a Ph.D in social ethics and social change. The final public hearing on regulations will be convened by the County Regional Planning Commission on Wednesday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m., in downtown Los Angeles, 320 W. Temple St., Room 150.]