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A ‘God Bless You, Bob’ Message: Rare and Revealing Glimpses Inside...

[Editor’s Note: The life of philanthropist Bob Lench, 84, longtime West Los Angeles College Foundation board member, who died on Nov. 7, will be celebrated on Monday at 12 noon at the college’s Fine Arts Auditorium. Dr. Chong was a close friend of Mr. Lench, and she wrote the following tribute on the day of his death. See two previous, related stories, both dated Nov. 20. Keywords: Bob Lench.]

When Obama Vowed ‘Hope’ and ‘Change,’ Gunther Says He Meant His...

[Editor’s Note: Even though President-elect Obama lacks a sense of humor among his numerous shortcomings, one of his admirers, Martha Gunther of Culver City, certainly compensates. This morning, Ms. Gunther sent along the following dispatch composed by the witty syndicated columnist Andy Borowitz. Knowing that the editor of this newspaper is a sensible, introspective Republican who might take umbrage, she sent along this yarn anyway.]

Reflections on Lench Ahead of Memorial Program

[Editor’s Note: A former student at West Los Angeles College and a close friend of the late board member Bob Lench, Dr. Chong dispatched the following notice to a wide circle of persons regarding the first service since his death. Dr. Chong will share memories of Mr. Lench in Friday’s edition.]

Arguing Why the Present Gas Prices Are Not Really Healthy for...

The painful days of July seem like ancient history.

Gasoline prices near $5 a gallon.

It was traumatic just to go to the pump.

Yesterday, after filling up my car, I looked at the pump register. I thought there was a mistake. Less than 40 bucks to fill my tank.

Thank Goodness for Small Favors

One of the few bright spots of the economy is that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke can stop worrying about inflation.

For years, “job one” for Fed Chairmen has been to keep inflation in check. During the past couple of decades, inflation has been very tame, ranging from two to three percent.

Do You Smell Foul Odors?Call ‘1.800.Cut Smog’

I love the beautiful sunsets seen from the top of Culver City Park.

However, often as I passed our Boneyard Dog Park, I got some malodorous whiffs — not canine, but more like gas. The first couple of times I dismissed these foul smells, thinking it was my imagination from being overly concerned about the effects on our health and safety from the hundreds of new wells PXP is planning to drill in our hills.

Burke’s Anti-Resident Attitude May Hurt Parks on Election Day

If you like Burke, you’ll love Parks.

As the old saw goes, “Show me your friends, and I’ll know what you are doing.”

Here’s what Yvonne Burke, who wants Bernard Parks to take her seat on the County Board of Supervisors, did on Oct. 28.

A Guide for Culver City Residents Testifying Before the...

[Editor’s Note: Racing to beat the deadline before Tuesday’s scheduled vote by the County Board of Supervisors, at 500 W. Temple St., downtown Los Angeles, on rules to govern increased drilling in the Inglewood oilfield, the President of the Culver Crest Homeowners Assn. has sent the following message to members:

A Closer Look at Parties Involved in Reaching the Oilfield Decisions

[Editor’s Note: Ms. Hampton presents a remarkable slate of research on the parties to the Inglewood oilfield controversy. Ms. Hampton will be among the scores of Culver City area activists expected to attend a 9:30 a.m. meeting on Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles where the County Board of Supervisors, led by Yvon ne Brathwaite Burke, is expected to approve two disputed documents that will regulate drilling in the oilfield until 2028. Residents claim the two documents require longer deliberation. The public hearing is at 500 W. Temple St.]

Shame on VA Bureaucrats, and Shame on Congressman Waxman

The Los Angeles National Veterans Home Land was donated in 1888 to be utilized solely to provide assistance to veterans suffering from physical, mental or emotional wounds of war.