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My Opinion


Unspooling the Arguments for the Worst Prez in Our Lifetime

The worst U.S. President in modern history is easy to describe.

Latest on Alarcon: Found Huddled in Underground Garage? Shame, Mr. Mayor

Re “Will the Burgeoning Alarcon Scandal Force Mayor Tony V to Quit”

Teachers President Says His Critic Is Wrong

Re “At Your Service, Mr. Mielke”

Attention, Boychicks and Maidels

[Editor’s Note: On the second day of Chanukah, Ms. Rosenberg, Membership Secretary of the Culver City Democratic Club, forwarded this delicious, Yiddsh-based ditty that was composed elsewhere.]

A Formula for Envisioning a Sunny GOP Future

On last Sunday’s edition of NBC-4’s News Conference, the futurist Joel Kotkin of Chapman University gave sobering assessments of the Republican Party, post-election.

Is Israel Growing Closer to a One-State Solution?

Sixty-nine percent of Israelis are against granting the 2.5 million Arab residents of an annexed Judea and Samaria the right to vote in Knesset elections.

Who Is Out to Nail Sen. Price in City Council Race?

As Curren Price surges in the Los Angeles City Council race, mysterious, late night smears are being emailed to labor leaders.

Mayor Defects to the Dark Side _ MoveOn.org Moves Against Him

Democratic Convention Chairman Villaraigosa defects to the Republican side by joining and taking a leadership position at an anti-White House organization, “Fix the Debt.”

Deconstructing Precisely Why Bloomfield Was Defeated Last Month

After the June 6 primary, when Independent Bill Bloomfield carried the second spot to take on Congressman Henry Waxman for the 33rd District in the November general election, I got involved individually as well as corporately with the rest of the Bloomfield team to get Waxman out.

Rodov to Mielke: ‘Let’s Talk About Measurable Outcomes’

Re: “‘I Don’t Think We Need Ms. Rodov’s Kind of Spirit’”