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My Opinion


Is God a Zionist?

How many times have we heard statements from bigoted and racist individuals or governments that the world’s mischief and misery are due to Zionists and world Jewish conspiracy?

Prop. 13 Should Be Torn Down and Rebuilt, Levin Says

[Editor’s Note: Dr. Levin of CalTech is a member of the School Board.]

Alex Johnson Campaign Memo Sees Clear Path to Aug. 12 Victory

Voters in the First District of LAUSD are demanding a new direction for their schools. That's exactly why Alex Johnson has an excellent chance to win the runoff for School Board in August.

Still Room for Sponsors to Join Fiesta

It is not too late to become a sponsor of Fiesta La Ballona, the weekend of Aug,. 22-24 at Veterans Park.

Lindberg Park Residents Seize Initiative in Case of a Disaster

It has been proven that neighborhoods and communities that prepare together, are more likely to recover and survive a disaster than those that don’t. In celebration of Earthquake Preparedness Month, we will highlight the Lindberg Park neighborhood that is doing just that.

Why Turks Were Capable of Exterminating Armenians, but not Jews

[Editor’s Note: Our friend Hovsep Fidanian forwards this timely essay by the publisher of The California Courier, an Armenian weekly that founded in 1958.]

Tuck Away This Name to Mark in the June 3 Primary

There is no spinning the sad facts about California’s schools. Our students are ranked 45th in the nation in reading and math proficiency. Two and a half million children – one out of every three students in California - aren’t able to read or write at grade level.

Keeping our Community Clean and Green

First of two parts

[Editor’s Note: Mr. Price, Los Angeles City Councilman for the Ninth District, mainly South Los Angeles, since July 1, six months ago yesterday, is a Democrat formerly representing Culver City and southwest L.A. in the state Legislature.]

Rightly Identified at Last – No, He Was Not an Armenian...

[Editor’s Note: The following story was relayed to us by our Glendale correspondent Hovsep Fidanian.]

Glancing Back on a Dark, Feisty Year on the PCC Campus

[Editor’s Note: On the sorely troubled campus of Pasadena City College, where intensely unpopular President Mark Rocha has been under siege for more than a year, the Coalition of Students and Faculty for Student Achievement has rounded up the year’s worst problems. Special mention is made of a letter from PCC’s legal counsel to this newspaper.]