Home Authors Posts by John Cohn

John Cohn


What’s in a Word?

Words tell the story.

What we call things matters.

Take the term “legacy.”

On the Hunt

These days, it’s tough to figure out who you can trust.

You can’t trust the bankers, because they put personal greed ahead of sober solvency.

Shootout at the AIG Corral

There’s a new sheriff in Dodge, and he’s infuriated.

When President Obama rode into town, he sat high in saddle, white hat and star gleaming in the sunshine. He brought a scattergun of programs, a dead aim and a whole new posse.

Join the Parade

Grab a shamrock. Paint your dog green. Everybody’s favorite holiday is here.

It’s only one day a year. No matter your color or creed, everyone’s Irish for a day.

The Virtue of Cellophane

What happened to the transparency we were promised?

When President Obama took office, he pledged that the American people would have a window on Washington.

What Are They Smokin’?

There ought to be a rule.

Before any banks get any more taxpayer money, each member of their top brass needs to be drug- tested.

Climbing the Ladder — to the Bottom

Moody’s Investor Services isn’t taking any chances.

Along with other major credit rating firms, like Fitch and the venerable Standard & Poors, it has been excoriated for misjudging the risk associated with many speculative investments that now have collapsed like a three-legged card table.

Sorry, Mr. President. You Got It Wrong.

Dear Mr. Obama,

I think you’re a great guy and a dynamic speaker. Heck, you could sell ice to Eskimos and make them pay double for the privilege.

Breaking Bad

Some records are not meant to be broken.

Dan Marino’s 5,000-yard season; 54 wins by Red Sox pitcher Al Spalding in1875 season; Gretzky’s 92 goals in ‘82; the Big Dipper Wilt Chamberlain scoring 100 points for the Philadelphia Warriors in one game.

Never Mind the Question. The Answer Is You and Me

Are you mad?

You should be.

As the markets come unraveled and the banks implode, everyone’s searching for the villain.