Home Authors Posts by George Laase

George Laase


Wake Up, Mr. Zzzzz

Sometimes being a dreamer of ideas is a good thing.

Mr. Z’s passion over some issues is commendable, even admirable, at times. But, when it comes to his own electability, wake up, Mr. Zzzzz.

It’s the Messenger, Not His Message

Re “Do I Have a New Ally?

Robert Zirgulis just doesn’t get it.

State Teacher Retirement System Listed as High-Risk

Last week the California Auditor’s Office added Cal-STRS, the state-wide teachers’ pension/retirement program, to an ever-growing list of critical issues facing our California legislature.

Ding, Dong! Era of the Underpaid Teacher Is Over

Don’t get me wrong.

I think our teachers work very hard during the school year in educating our children.

Mr. ‘Z’, a Claim Jumper

I wish Robert Zirgulis, Mr. “Z,” would have checked the list of people supporting Scott Zeidman before jumping to his hastily drawn conclusion.

Transparency? What Transparency?

Now I don’t know whether the 6.32 percent of the construction cost budget — for athletic field improvements — being asked for by the architectural firm of Westberg + White is the standard asking price.