Home Authors Posts by George Laase

George Laase


Fourth Estate Shoots Itself in the Foot

Donald Trump's candidacy exposed a growing chasm in our mainstream news coverage and Trump was a master in exploiting it. Trump didn't make them...

School Board Loses Sight of Certificated Salary Goal

It is an often-implied premise that the more classroom time a teacher has, the better educator he/she will become. Experience, it seems, still is...

Some Voters Said No to Voting

  Measure CA -- City Manager Oversight 4,034 YES  --  7,439 NO. Total vote was 11,473. Measure CB -- Council Member Timeout 7,981 YES  --  3,410 NO. Total vote was 11,391. Measure...

Our Biggest Community Debt Ever

I am wondering if the city officials made the School District aware of the looming cost of the Clean Water Act when School Board members...

Open Letter to School Board Members

Perhaps it is only a rumor. I hope it is just that. But it has come to the attention of the public that the...

Too Many Unknowns About Measure CW

Having a sunset clause in tax measures is the only way taxpayers have to force elected officials to focus on accomplishing intended projects within...

News Media’s Role in Social Change

On a deep personal level, I don't like how Colin Kaepernick is using his stardom for social protest. Most of us don't like to...

The Real Cost of District Employment

If our School District were forced to lay off David Mielke this year (not likely due to the seniority of the Teachers Union president)...

Taxes Everywhere — and Not a Dime to Drink

President Nixon signed the Clean Water Act ‘way back in 1972. The 50-year time limit for us to address our nation's water quality problem...

Parcel Tax: A Question of Courage

The City Council seems determined not to put an end date on its newly proposed parcel tax. It seems the Council wants to make this...