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Ari L. Noonan


January, March…What Happened to February?

After 2½ million Jenny Craig dropouts answered the question, “how do single gals leading empty lives kill a Saturday afternoon?” an estimated two ladies...

Jews Who Hide Their Jewishness

Obsequious Jews are easily recognizable – by ear and by sight. They troll and stroll the streets in outsized blinders. Trying not to look Jewish, their...

How to Help the Culver City Homeless

Re: “Counting the Homeless” One of the critical nights of the year dawns tomorrow evening when Culver City locks arms with the rest of Los...

This Is Easy. Cover Trump as You Covered Obama

The skin color of liberals is irrelevant. It is the fabric of their slender skin, as delicate as toilet paper. There is a correlation. When...

State Chooses a Soft New Enemy to Stump Trump

In a state where more illegal aliens vote than in any other, a new sheriff has been chosen. Hmmm. By reputation, the sheriff is a...

Robins Explains Why Safe Zones Are Needed

Shortly after President Trump’s election, the School Board  unhesitatingly moved to declare all Culver City campuses safe zones. Board President Sue Robins explained the reasoning...

Nicole Kidman Could Be Severely Punished

Since the hatists on the Democratic left have determined America should not accept President Trump, they have restored bigotry to an honorable position for...

No, No in Her Words, but Yes, Yes She Is Going

On this joyous day of inauguration, it is clear to the normative half of America why voters chose the exciting, imaginative Mr. Trump over...

L.A. Times Insults Readers Again

As we have learned – hourly – throughout the past 73 days, the petulance of the left is without borders. The wannabe Los Angeles Times,...

Except for Walls of Scandals, Defeats, Obama Was Perfect

If I told you, dear reader, that this was Wednesday morning, you swiftly would correct me. In the 10 weeks since the Right trumped the...