Home A&E The Best in Teenage Entertainment, Plus Java, Tonight at the Ivy

The Best in Teenage Entertainment, Plus Java, Tonight at the Ivy


Different Shows

The Academy presents so much talent during Java Drama that alternating nights have completely different performances.

The house opens at 7 tonight to give audiences a chance to sip Java as they enjoy the art and the pre-show music.

Ticket Prices

The show itself starts at 8. Tickets are $15 general and $13 ASB/senior. Seating is limited, but tickets are available at www.avpa.org.

Because this is the 13th annual Java Drama, the students have concentrated on the themes of luck and superstition for this production.

Luck has already been involved.

The AVPA was lucky enough to find a slot in the busy production schedule of the Actors’ Gang, who now make the Ivy Substation their home, for Java Drama.

Why It Is No. 1

"This is my favorite show of the year," says AVPA’s co-executive director, Tony Spano. "The students collaborate across all the departments to produce this amazing show. But they also enjoy a little friendly cross-department competition.

“The Young Filmmakers take on the actors in the Blurred Vision Theatre Co. The Pink Elephant Music Co. tries to outshine the Shim Sham Move Co. And the Starving Young Artists go head to head against the Penstrokes poets.

Everybody on Stage

“The show ends with the incredible energy of all these kids on-stage applauding one another. It really is our culminating performance, each and every year."

Java Drama 13 is made possible in part by a grant from the city of Culver City Art in Public Places Fund with support from the Sony Pictures Entertainment Platinum Sponsorship.

Vital Statistics

For more information about the Academy, go to www.avpa.org or contact Mr. Spano at 310.842.4200, ext. 6094 or Kristine Hatanaka at 310.842.4200, ext. 6001.