Home A&E Lep Zepagain Steps Into Festival Finale’s Nostalgic Spotlight

Lep Zepagain Steps Into Festival Finale’s Nostalgic Spotlight



Summer went thataway.

Tomorrow evening at 7, Closing Night will dawn for Culver City’s Boulevard Music Summer Music Festival in the Courtyard of City Hall.

A bundle of nostalgia from the 1960s and ‘70s will be served up in generous doses by producer Gary Mandell when Led Zepagain, called the No. 1 Led Zeppelin tribute band, steps onto the stage.

Nothing counterfeit about them, says Mr. Mandell.

Led Zepagain will be performing their ultimate tribute show, called Symphony to Heaven, that brings together their classic hits, accompanied by string quartet featuring original arrangements written especially for them.

Originally performed in Las Vegas to  ovations, Closing Night will be a rare chance to see this magic staging.

How authentic is this group?

In January 2004, Led Zepagain was paid the quintessential compliment.

Zeppelin’s original guitarist, Jimmy Page, was in the audience for their show, and he asked to meet the band in their dressing room where he praised them for their accuracy and faithfulness.

Tomorrow Led Zepagain will be performing with their latest member, lead guitarist Christian Nesmith, son of the Monkees Mike Nesmith.

Says Mr. Mandell in closing: “All of the classic acoustic tunes, plus the screaming electrics, will be done at a level your ear doctor will approve of.”