Home OP-ED Democrat Voters Should Not Have to Prove Their Claim

Democrat Voters Should Not Have to Prove Their Claim


Recently ran across this line from Rebecca West, written in the late 1940s with reference to the British Labour Party, but which reads just as accurately in the Age of Obama: “The individualist is being looted by his own country as if it were an enemy.” Well, Obama did once say that he considered his one experience in the private sector was like being “a spy behind enemy lines” Steven Hayward, powerlineblog.com

What rankles us most on this morning that is a holiday for some is the U.S.

“Justice” Dept.’s latest

unwarranted, race-driven intrusion to boost Sponge Barack Square Obama’s sagging election chances.

Any administration that can convince voters a two-month tax break is preferable to a 12-month tax break, as Swishy argued Friday, is driving a runaway train after we willfully have laced ourselves to the tracks.

Our Saturday Night Live President is the same drone who told us several weeks ago — for political advantage, natch — 48 percent of the nation either is impoverished or near-poor. Why, normal people ask, isn’t such a drip laughed out of office? The answer is half the country believes normal people are the oddballs.

Thankfully, this new Swishy venture into farce will be forgotten before a fresh avalanche of fraudulent voting puts him over the top next November. But we live in the present.

Trying to Do Right

Just when South Carolina, a nest of illegal voting, was trying to scrub its rolls of fraudulent “voters,” E.T., the vicious, racist Attorney General, struck again at the end of last week.

Intruding, calculatedly, days before the law was to go into effect, E.T.’s brutish racial terrorists knocked down the door of the state house in Columbia. They declared South Carolina’s reform is “illegal.”

What was so terrible?

In the wake of decades of Democrat voter fraud, the South Carolina legislature last June crafted a bill that said voters must show a government-issued — read driver’s license — photo.

Before the racist bully boys at “Justice” clobbered South Carolina, their left-wing hacks across the land had gone into their warmup act.

The radicalized NAACP, the dependably extreme ACLU, and their obedient army of media slaves were complaining bitterly that having to show a picture before voting was “discriminatory” to the main channels of Democrat voters, “blacks, illegals, the elderly and young people.”

How widespread is the requirement of photo ID?

Who Are You?

Remember that our esteemed Attorney General gave a speech on this uncomplicated subject two weeks ago at the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin — and each member of his lucky audience was forced to flash a photo ID before being admitted into E.T.’s hallowed presence.

“That is not funny,” a vexed E.T. said when reminded of this slice of unintentional hypocrisy.

The left-wing hacks overlook the rudimentary fact that a photo ID is required to perform the most mundane tasks in America, such as cashing a check in a new venue. Maybe illegal aliens and their fellow Democrat cheaters don’t cash checks.

Hogtied by the goofy, power-crazed bully boys at “justice,”, South Carolina has two unappealing choices:

• Forget it tried to restrict voting to qualified persons.

• Ask a federal judge in Washington

Don’t bet on South Carolina prevailing in this lopsided faceoff.