I would like to draw the community’s attention to the American Youth Soccer Assn./AYSO Region 19 Volunteer Referee point system that is unfairly punishing dozens of children by disallowing them to continue moving forward in the playoffs.
This is not based on the accomplishments of the children, but on the failings of the parents.
I completely understand that AYSO or any organization can only be as strong as its core of volunteers; however, volunteerism is not volunteerism if it is mandatory.
We can have expectations of parent involvement, but when we exact punitive measures that only hurt the children who have no control over how actively their parents choose to participate in a program, we are acting contrary to the positive environment and good sportsmanship ideals we are trying to instill in our children.
I did not take part in the Volunteer Referee program; however, I did leave work early twice a week to take both my son and daughter to their respective practices every week for the past three months.
I worked late into the evening every week for the past three months to make up the hours I missed ferrying my children to practices and games. I organized a car pool to get other children to their respective practices.
I volunteered as an AR judge for both of my children’s teams when the referee was short-handed. I set up goals and tore down goals many times at both the high school and Bill Botts fields.
I took my turn on each team providing snacks, oranges and water. I cheered on my children and their teammates at every single game.
However, none of the time and commitment that I and hundreds of other parents have made toward volunteering for their children and their teams will help many sons and daughters advance to playoffs because…their parents did not referee a game.
Let’s face it.
Not every parent is cut out for — or has the desire to — referee a soccer game. The ones who do have a passion for the sport that goes beyond volunteerism.
I don't believe any team that has advanced to playoffs based on its game play should be prohibited from participating in the final week of play because a certain number of parents from each team did not attend a referee clinic or spend enough time on the field to earn their team 50 points.
The current standard of advancement the AYSO has established is based solely on the Volunteer Referee program.
It is not based on the voluntary actions and sacrifices parents make every day to make sure their children can play AYSO soccer. That measurement of commitment to the program is more about making sure you are training referees and not about teaching children the skills of soccer and good sportsmanship.
Therefore, it is inappropriate and unfair.
I fear that AYSO’s saber-rattling caution toward parents, indicating that the Voluntary Referee program is the only path to the successful completion of a season, may lead many to disassociate themselves from an organization that is failing to treat its children with respect.
Mr. Delegeane may be contacted at terryd@bongocomics.com