Home Letters Which Crime Is Worse and Deserves More Prison Time?

Which Crime Is Worse and Deserves More Prison Time?


The Los Angeles Times this morning reported a 16 years-to-life prison sentence for Jose Fructuoso, killer of Hollywood producer Bennett Bradley, and a possible 34-year term for alleged child molester, Martin Weiss.

Isn't there something terribly wrong and inequitable about a criminal justice system that considers child molestation (although inexcusable and reprehensible) more than twice as serious and punishable as murder?

Or could it be that since the murderer contended that he reacted violently only to defend himself against an unwanted sexual advance by a gay man (aka The Homosexual Panic Defense), the jury felt some degree of sympathy for the slayer because of his reduced charge of second-degree murder?

Mr. Akerley may be contacted at benakerley@aol.com