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Let Me Tell You Where You Are


I am amazed how many clients tell me they want to be better. They may want to be better, but they want me to make them better without taking any responsibility for their actions.

One lady wanted to smoking. “I don’t want to have to do anything,” she said bluntly. “I want you to do it all.” I thought it was unreasonable to expect another human being to make someone do what the person was unwilling to do.

How many of us want to be better, want to be happier, more successful and more prosperous? For many, it is only a wish.

The wish becomes changes reality once the individual decides nothing is going to happen by sitting on his/her tush. Those who actually get up and do something are the successful persons.

Separate Paths

Visualizing what you want and getting up to do it are separate commitments. Making a plan and working a plan is the road to success. That means knowing what you want to be, knowing what you need to do to get there, and actually doing the work to get there.

Recently I saw a movie, a dramatization of a true story, about a Navy diver who simply would not quit. Obstacles did not matter. His vision was clear. So was his determination to get there. His unwillingness to accept failure was an inspiration.

How about the 16-year-old who desired to be a championship basketball player. From age 5, he practiced and practiced until he became the champion he now is. That he was in a wheelchair and will be all his life did not deter him.

Most successful people I know realized from an early age what they wanted to do. Smart enough to know or learn what was required, they set about breaking the required tasks into small steps.

Navigating to the Objective

Often the goal, which can be distant, appears overwhelming. But you remember the final goal is a combination of successes of the requisite multiple smaller goals.

Thinking it over for a moment, you will discover you are where you wanted to be. Some of you may balk but I encourage you to realize you alone are responsible for where you are. You are an amazing individual. If you think about it, you accomplished what ou wanted to achieve today.

Each of us is the sum of every thought and decision we have made. You have no one else to blame. If successful, it is true others may have helped you. But they would not have unless they saw something in you.

All successful persons needed help. They gained help by showing that they were worthy. Most importantly, they proved to themselves they were worthy.

Too often people tell me they want to do this for their wives, husbands, relatives or friends. The rare client who says he is doing it for himself is being true to himself. These, generally, are the ones who gain the success, happiness and prosperity they are seeking.

At the end, what we do defines who we are. The choices we make define the strength of our character and, ultimately, the person we choose to be.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net