Home Letters Glee Contest — Culver City Faring Well in the Rankings

Glee Contest — Culver City Faring Well in the Rankings


Re “Middle School Could Land a Huge Prize with Your Help

As of noon today, Culver City is in a great spot — 36th in the country and 11th in our Region — in trying to help our music program at the Culver City Middle School win a $50,000 grant.

If 25 people voted right now, we would move up a rank.

We need to keep it up and vote every day to remain in the running for the grant.

We don't need to be the school with the most numbers.

We just need to remain in the top 20 percent. The majority of the contest is based on quality of the video. Look at the extended, high quality version of the video: http://www.ccmsmusicaltheatre.com, and it will direct you to vote.

[img]1269|left|||no_popup[/img]Cast your vote for Culver City Middle School's “GLEE! Give a Note” video submission. You can vote once a day.

Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment has partnered with Ryan Murphy, the creator of “GLEE!,” and the National Assn. for Music Education to establish the “Glee! Give a Note” campaign, in order to donate $1 million to school arts programs nationwide.

The Theatre Arts program has created an amazing community where kids feel safe to express themselves.

Most notable is that 40 percent of the students enrolled are on scholarships. Since it relies 100 percent on parent volunteers, donations and grants to make it happen each new school year, every penny counts.

The $50,000 Glee! grant will allow this program to continue. In addition, awarded funds will go to help support the Culver City Middle School music program offered as part of the curriculum during the school day.

We have a small yet very mighty community that can make a remarkable difference in the lives of our students. If everyone in Culver City, the Heart of Screenland, voted just once, we could win money to not only benefit Theatre Arts but essential music programs. Voting ends on Monday, Nov. 7.

The odds are quite good because Culver is competing against only about 90 other schools in the Pacific Region. Culver City is unique because it can work as an effective community for change if citizens take just 30 seconds out of their day to vote.

With your help there is a way to keep this invaluable and beloved program going.

Check out our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/ccmstheatrearts

Ms. Kunce may be contacted at dkunce@mac.com