Home Letters We’ve Never Met, but I Would Like to Know You

We’ve Never Met, but I Would Like to Know You


Re “Union Leaders ‘Have Proven Dishonest and Shady’

In response to Phillip Smith’s letter three days ago:

Hi, Phillip: We never have met because I haven’t seen you at a union meeting.

I tried to email you, but you aren’t on the District email system. ACE, the Assn. of Classified Employees at CCUSD, always is asking for volunteers.

If you would volunteer to assist at elections/votes, you could see exactly how things are done. I am sorry to say I rarely volunteer. So of course I rarely complain, either. I hope to be at the next union meeting. Be sure to introduce yourself so our union can be more like family.

Ms. Van Loo may be contacted at mvl3433@yahoo.com