Home Letters A Distinct Inside Perspective on Chardiet

A Distinct Inside Perspective on Chardiet


I support Laura Chardiet for School Board, in the Nov. 8 election because I have first-hand knowledge of her effectiveness in a school setting. I am the principal of Venice –Emerson CAS.

She has been a valued member of my administrative leadership team for five years.

Laura Chardiet has an uncanny ability to influence staff and garner buy-in for school- related projects. She successfully organized participation in the principal’s leadership team and shared decision-making council. She served an instrumental role in identifying appropriate assessment tools for potential high school graduates.

As sponsor of the student council, Laura inspired students to undertake community projects such as a holiday food or toy drive. Laura clearly loves working with students and teachers. Her enthusiasm and energy ignite everyone working with her to persevere until each project is completed. She is a master at motivating those she works with to give their best effort.

Laura is caring and compassionate. But she also knows how to manage a budget and bring funding to the district. With two children in the Culver City school system, she is intimately aware of the needs of our youth.

Laura Chardiet is just what the Culver City Unified School District needs. She has my vote. I hope she will have yours.

Ms. Tollette may be contacted at ctollett@lausd.net