Home News Chamber Endorses Chardiet and Zeidman.

Chamber Endorses Chardiet and Zeidman.


The Culver City Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, for the first time ever, is announcing its endorsement for candidates in the Nov. 8 School Board election.

“The U.S. workforce readiness crisis is putting our global economic competitiveness at risk,” said Chamber Chair Angela Gibson. “We need School Board members who can champion our students into 21st century successfully.

“Scott Zeidman and Laura Chardiet were endorsed by the Board because they showed themselves as people who could provide effective leadership during the next four years,” Ms. Gibson said.

The Culver City Chamber of Commerce, with more than 700 business members, represents 35,000 employees in the greater Culver City area.

The Chamber seeks to provide a balance of business and community through the active participation of our board of directors, consisting mostly of small business owners. More than half of the board members are Culver City residents. Board members are involved in the community through the Culver City Education Foundation, the YMCA, AYSO, Little League and several other community organizations.

Although this is the Chamber Board’s first endorsement in a School Board election, the Chamber of Commerce has, over the years, been actively involved in education in Culver City, including the Teacher of the Year Program, a high school community scholarship program and past support for Measures T and EE.

The candidate interviews are scheduled to be available later today on the Chamber’s website —www.culvercitychamber.com.

“The endorsement of Laura and Scott by the Chamber Board is an important acknowledgement of the business community’s concerns for public education and the results we are receiving for the investment that we all make through taxes and other financial support,” Ms. Gibson said.