Home OP-ED Going for the Muscle, Veterans Seek Obama Executive Order

Going for the Muscle, Veterans Seek Obama Executive Order


[See pdf below]

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

Here are a letter and a resolution that were sent to President Obama last week, and delivery of the package has been confirmed.

We are respectfully requesting that he execute a Presidential Executive Order to construct a New “Grand Home and Gardens” in Los Angeles for Disabled and Disadvantaged Veterans, in accordance with the Congressional Act of 1887 and the Deed and Charitable Trust of 1888.

We are asking that the President evict all unlawful occupants on Veterans’ property and invest at least $2.5 billion to demolish the existing obsolete, dysfunctional facilities and construct new and modern resident halls, lush, tranquil gardens and related rehabilitative facilities as a place of safe refuge for Veterans to heal from their war injuries.

In addition, rebuilding Veterans property will put thousands of Veterans to work in the construction of the New Home.

We sent the President a comprehensive package that included a history of the misappropriation of Veterans land, entitled “A National Disgrace,” along with copies of the Veterans’ Declaration of Ownership, Notice to Vacate, Declaration of Enforcement, Grand Plan and other pertinent information, including full color photographs of homeless Veterans forced to live outside the Veterans Home, and an inquiry as to why and how “Two federal criminals are running the largest VA in the nation.”

We will not accept “patch-work” on dilapidated buildings that have been sitting vacant for decades as proposed by U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman(D-West Los Angeles) and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca). No, we are demanding the complete rebuilding of the Veterans Home.

Rest assured, the misappropriation of Veterans’ property and maltreatment of homeless Veterans will be major issues in both of their re-election bids.

Thus, we expect proper action by the President on this paramount matter.

If he chooses to ignore us, as his Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Gen. Eric T. Shinseki, has for the past 3½ years, we will make this an immediate Presidential campaign issue with all candidates.

California will have 55 electoral candidates in 2012. We will make sure that the National Veterans Home and homeless Veterans are major issues.

When we started the Veterans Revolution on March 9, 2008, during the Presidential campaign, only one candidate acknowledged our cause. He was Chuck Baldwin, candidate of the Constitution Party, who attended a Sunday Rally and then endorsed the Veterans Declaration of Enforcement.

We have come a long way in exposing the biggest land-fraud scam in American history and human rights violations against homeless disabled Veterans.

We will continue to be the leading force to bring about justice and progress.

We support the responsible resolution put forth by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (attached) that is calling for immediate action by the President, Secretary Shinseki, Congressman Waxman, and Senators Feinstein and Barbara Boxer (D-Ca), to immediately rectify this national embarrassment.

Make no mistake. Providing proper shelter and care for our disabled and disadvantaged Veterans is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is an American responsibility.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock, Director of the Old Veterans Guard and Director of the Veterans Revolution, may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com
