Home OP-ED Smiles



[img]541|left|||no_popup[/img]Dateline Santa Ana — Am I training for a half-marathon for a personal fitness goal or because one of the favorite parts of my week is my Sunday morning long run in Peter’s Canyon?

In my 6-mile run last weekend, I must have encountered at least 50 smiles and a few dozen hellos. I gave out at least twice that.

A few individuals had their heads down or were in intense conversation with their exercise partner and paid no attention to the scenery or passersby. For the most part, people on that trail were happy – to be there, to share the beauty of the day with strangers, and from the looks of it, just to be alive.

In a world where we all seem to jump in our cars to get from Point A to Point B and are then in a hurry to finish our task at Point B so we can rush to Point C, I miss these moments where I can enjoy a simple positive exchange with another human being.

Times like this remind me that life doesn’t have to be complicated.

Ms. Dewberry, an accomplished cellist, completed her DMA in Chamber Music Performance from UCLA in December 2005. She received her MM in Cello Performance from UCLA in June 2002 and her B.M. in Cello Performance from Western Michigan University in April 1998. She also holds a B.A. in French with a minor in Women's Studies and Philosophy.

Her website is www.carterdewberry.com

She may be contacted at carter@carterdewberry.com