Home OP-ED Swish’s Jewish Problem

Swish’s Jewish Problem


If Swish Obama, America’s best-known Israel- and Jew-hater, loses the Presidential election in 13 months, the incurious readership of The New York Times will suffer a group heart attack. This will swiftly hike America’s intelligence quotient even before the group funeral.

Even though the most recent polling has shown that Swish’s support among Jews has plummeted from near 80 percent to 50 percent— astounding if true — the Times, like the downtown bootlickers at the Los Angeles Titanic, ignore polling that offends their narrative. (Watch closely. Virtually every poll reflects their far left agenda. Coincidence, of course.) Their theory seems to be, if we don’t report the results, we don’t have to apologize if Swish loses.

Both The Times and the Titanic insist daily in their news and op-ed reports, virtually indistinguishable, that Swish is solid, the lockstep disingenuity being one reason both newspapers continue to lose expensive ground in circulation.

Liberian-born Helene Cooper, who makes no secret of her admiration for the President in her news stories, is one of the Times’s worst offenders.

She wrote yet another lengthy Jews Always Will Adore Obama story in Saturday’s edition that was stunning for its schoolgirl naïveté, if not dishonesty.

Her theme seemed to be that Vice President Joe (Lawdy, Lawdy, How I Love Lying) Biden has been dispatched to assure hard-left Jewish outposts that Daddy still loves’em, that despite a steady stream of insults against Jerusalem and Jews, Swish still loves Jews, or at least Jews’ money.

Swish would visit the Jews himself except that he is uncomfortable with them. He has one other excuse: He is too busy crawling into bed with Wall Street bankers by night after publicly spanking them in the daylight when the cameras were on.

Ms. Cooper opens with a remarkable, possibly true, scene from a recent meeting in Boca Raton when a rabbi asked the loose-tongued Biden why Jonathon Pollard, convicted of spying on behalf of Israel, still is imprisoned 25 years later.

Biden the Liar gave an answer difficult to envision, even from this frequently dishonest Democrat : “President Obama was considering clemency. But I told him ‘Over my dead body are we going to let him out before his time.’

“If it were up to me,” Biden the Liar concluded, “he would stay in jail for life.”

The most amazing part of Ms. Cooper’s suspicious half-story is that Biden the Liar’s Jewish audience sat there like statues and mumbled “Um-hmm.”

The Times used to hire crack journalists. Ms. Cooper is of the whore category that is so trendy today.

Fiction Is King

Like her hero the President, Ms. Cooper possesses a mediocre mind. No one who is sober or over the age of 10 would believe this tongue-hanging girl has told the story accurately.

Hefty Helene is old enough to remember that across the country during the middle and late 1980s, Jews were on fire about the Pollard case, whether or not they agreed with the extremely mild crime he committed.

Ms. Cooper may be deliberately lying in remarkably ignoring the shocked or offended audience’s response, the better to make it look for Swish. Or is she covering for Biden the Liar who committed another jackass-level gaffe?

Truth Be Darned

The weasly and routinely dishonest Times used a drop headline with the Cooper story that said “A vice president at ease with Israel and Jewish Americans.”

The Jewish ignorance of Swishy would shock sheep. According to hefty Helene, Biden the Liar is hosting a Rosh Hashana party for faux Jews on Wednesday — one week after after Rosh Hashana began and five days after it ended, for heaven’s sakes.

Who is more stupid — hefty Helene for telling such a fantastic tale or Swish the Tree Stump for thinking up this goofy stunt?

Any Jew who votes Swish next year will convert to Christianity or Islam or Buddhism or the Church Climate Global Change Cooling. They are not welcome in my corner of the Jewish community. That includes the religion-hating editor of the Jewish Journal, and self-haters such as Henry Waxman and Howard Berman, who place the liberal credentials ahead of their Jewishness.

The Times fanatically follows its iron narrative: Swish is one of the great Presidents in the span of history because he is black, well half, and because he is the most socialist minded occupant of the White House in memory even if virtually all of his policies have failed.

My feelings toward the worst of the foregoing ex-Mrs. Noonans don’t come close to Swish’s despisals of Jews and Israel.

He and Mad Michelle refuse to visit Israel.

Herman Cain said last week that blacks have been brainwashed by the Democrat Party, which is like saying the sun rises in the east. The same is true of non-religious and self-loathing Jews.

When you melt Jews and blacks together at the polls, they are dumber and less informed than a fireplug.

Except for George W. Bush, there haven’t been many Jew lovers in the White House.

Harry Truman, thankfully, did not always listen to his hateful wife Bess. She proudly crowed that no Jew ever would darken her porch. None did.

Jews were not among Dwight Eisenhower’s 10 favorite cultures.

Swish, in a far more compact time period, has made the world forget both of his predecessors when it comes to Jew hatred. His repeated abysmal, classless treatment of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu over the last 2 _ years would warrant a boycott of this country by Israel.

Except that as every Israeli and American politician left and right realizes, the U.S. is Israel’s oldest friend.

With Swish in the White House, that is like having Bela Lugosi as your mother-in-law.

All last week, first Biden the Liar and then Swish calculatedly lied to their adoring audiences about a distorted incident at the last GOP Presidential debate.

Tape and video evidence, plus eyewitnesses to the contrary,Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama knowingly claimed, falsely, that the Republican audience booed a gay soldier for being gay.

Two persons in the audience booed when the soldier asked the candidates if they would try to find a way to repeal the news gays-in-the–military law.

Stooping low for a compliment, Swish said to wild cheers and an ovation last Saturday night at the Human Rights Campaign’s dinner:

“We don't believe in the kind of smallness that says it’s okay for a stage full of political leaders, one of whom could end up being the President of the United States, being silent when an American soldier is booed. We don't believe in that.

“We don’t believe in standing silent when that happens. We don’t believe in them being silent since. You want to be Commander in Chief? You can start by standing up for the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States, even when it’s not politically convenient. We don't believe in a small America. We believe in a big America, a tolerant America, a just America, an equal America, that values the service of every patriot.”