Home OP-ED Bad Muslims Will Be Bad Boys

Bad Muslims Will Be Bad Boys


So were the Nazis, your honor.

The muddleheaded hard-left Orange County judge who sentenced 10 Muslim thug-boys from U.C. Irvine and U.C. Riverside to kissing their sisters on Friday afternoon, hated to see the 6-man, 6-woman jury come back with a guilty verdict after two days of deliberation.

U.C. Irvine has been a nest of Jew hatred for decades, and that is the boiling backdrop for this intriguing story.

The Muslim boys could have gotten a year behind bars. Out of misplaced pity, though, they only will have to do 56 hours of community service.

You’re a heartless man, Judgie.

Said Hizzoner Pete Wilson: The crude-behaving, Jew-hating Muslim punks who — strategically — disrupted the campus speech of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren a year and a half ago were really nice boys with spotless records. Their vulgar outbursts were “motivated by beliefs.”

So, to repeat, were the Nazis, Your Honor.

Here is a bulletin, Judg: All thugs are motivated by their convictions. How does conviction of beliefs justify incivil behavior?

Liberals find it prickly to accept the proposition that non-liberals are sincere, or that serious people holding opposing beliefs.

Understand that when the Muslim punks arose and exploded one dark night in February of last year, it was a tightly planned rhetorical sacking of a man and a country the thugs despise.

This was not an accidental intersecting of boys will be boys.

The scrupulously choreographed Muslim boys, on a campus where anti-Semitism can be practiced openly and without fear of reprisal, usually, behaved as obscenely as they would have in their lawless ancestral lands where they would have gotten away with the stunt.

A Prince of a Fellow

But just as the Palestinian terrorist President Mahmoud (God, How I Hate Jews) Abbas has brought out the sunny, pleasant anti-Semitic gene in the overwhelming proportion of world leaders, the Irvine11trial of10 Muslim boys has activated scary-sized waves of support from the comfortable social duo of secular Jews and Jew-haters. (Don’t ever underestimate that [airing.)

Most persons who have spoken publicly since February of last year seem to have thought the thug-boys merely should have had a finger shaken at them and then been sent to bed without their porridge. No more.

The fake horrified reaction by radical Muslims after the trial is mindful of the childish — again closely choreographed — nonsensical sideshow that played out across the world last week when cop-killer Troy Davis properly was executed.

In cesspools of puerile Angry Left thinking, such as The New York Times and the Los Angeles Titanic, they sold free tears to hard-leftists who would stand before cameras and cry over the harsh death of a dastardly cop killer.

It was ginned up all the more by the Angry Left because Mr. Davis is black. As you know, the boys on the left believe it is unpatriotic to prosecute a black criminal.

In 1991, an integrated Georgia jury, 7 blacks, 5 whites, took 2 hours to convict Mr. Davis of blasting a police officer.

The Angry Left, among a litany of hates, dislikes police officers, so they were not all that upset that a cop had been mowed down. What vexes them is that the killer who had to pay for it is black. That is the crippled way the Angry Left “reasons.”

Sorry, boys, you are dead wrong again. Ponder the words.