Home OP-ED Wake Up, Mr. Zzzzz

Wake Up, Mr. Zzzzz


Sometimes being a dreamer of ideas is a good thing.

Mr. Z’s passion over some issues is commendable, even admirable, at times. But, when it comes to his own electability, wake up, Mr. Zzzzz.

You are living in your own little dream world.

Don’t kid yourself.

Just because people sign your petition, it doesn’t mean they support your candidacy for the School Board. They want to see more substance in a candidate.

Now You See It…

Yes, it would be great to have an additional $6 billion more for education. But I would like to remind the readers what happened to the lottery money that was destined to save our schools and the sleight-of-hand the state Legislature pulled on voters after its passage. Did the lottery really help out our schools? It only helped the Legislature to siphon off an equal amount of funding that the new lottery money provided to education. In the end, there might have been a minor net gain, overall, to our schools.

Actions Speak Louder

Other than proposing a myriad of ideas, some of them good — remember, it’s the messenger, not the message — which one has come to fruition? Any of them? At least Mr. Zeidman spearheaded the committee on passing Measure EE. I’m glad it passed. Scott knows he didn’t do it by himself, and he has acknowledged those who helped in its passage. I’m sure Mr. Z did his part in helping to bring about its passage, as did all of us.

It’s All About Him

Is Mr. Z trying to convince the community that he is some sort of visionary? He continually points out that he proposed this, he proposed that. He was the first to call for this and first to call for that. He claims that the Natatorium is now on the School Board’s radar because his actions put it there. Oh, please. It’s been an ongoing issue for almost 20 years, ever since it closed back in the early 1990s.

Mr. Z May Never Get It

He says Scott Zeidman has had four years on the Board to do something about the Natatorium. If Mr. Z thinks Scott Zeidman “runs this board” and that he has a majority of its members wrapped around his little finger, just waiting for his direction, I’m sure four other Board members would adamantly disagree. Has Mr. Z forgotten that one Board member is powerless? It takes a consensus, a majority of the Board, to do anything.

A Zeidman Shill?

I am not supporting Scott Zeidman for re-election, even though my wife, Michael, is supporting him. Scott and I have discussed my reasons. We have agreed to disagree. But I also have to say that I am not adamantly opposed to his re-election. If that makes me his shill, what can I say.

About ‘Mr. Quack Head’

I’m beginning to think Mr. Z has substituted one too many times at the elementary school level because he is starting to sound like some of his students. I’m pretty sure this kind of childish name-calling is not a quality voters will be looking for when electing community leaders. At least, when I made a character comparison about Mr. Z, it was with one of our most-beloved characters in Western literature. I guess I should be content about the new moniker he assigned me. I shudder to think he might have chosen to call me “Mr. Poopy Head” instead.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com