Home Letters Do I Have a New Ally?

Do I Have a New Ally?


Re “Let’s Reopen the Natatorium and Any Bidders? How About $10 Million for the Natatorium?

Well, well, it seems Scott Zeidman's supporters are writing to thefrontpageonline.com to promote his plan to refurbish the old high school swimming pool known as the Natatorium.

I would like to point out that when I first suggested refurbishing the Natatorium, in a Sept. 24, 2009, essay in this newspaper, Mr. Zeidman ridiculed my idea at a School Board meeting.

Even Board member Steve Gourley scornfully dismissed my ideas even though other realtors in the community testified that I had a sound idea.

The inaction of the School Board on the issue of the Natatorium is one of the reasons I am running again for the School Board.

A few months ago I talked to Mayor Mehaul O'Leary about the Natatorium. He was responsive about the city Redevelopment Agency helping to refurbish the Natatorium.

He suggested a scuba diving company would be interested in renting out the facilities when the pool would not be in use during school hours.

More recently, I talked to Mr. O'Leary at a Chamber of Commerce function. He told me he was talking to Mr. Zeidman about getting the Natatorium refurbished. Well I'm glad it has taken Mr. Zeidman to finally come around even though it has taken over two years.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com