Home OP-ED The High Cost of Running for Office

The High Cost of Running for Office


Culver City basically has two power player families. Mr. “Z“ coined them the “MACHINE.” Not quite on a par with the Mafia, but they wield considerable ($$$$$) influence on who is selected in local elections.

Only about 10 percent of the population votes. These two families control about 55 to 60 percent of those votes. Power shifts between each family. If you look at the last City Council and School Board selections, you will note the difference between the two top votegetters was narrow (excluding incumbents).

Newsprint papers are “MACHINE”-controlled. All those ads. Hey! Gotta get paid. Too bad they do not realize the disservice they provide by not really covering real issues. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-7998/CoughCoughEvaluatingAhemtheStateofNewspapersinCulverCity

Former (termed out) City Council member and (burned out) School Board member Attorney Steve Gourley says, “But the point is MONEY. Need money to run a race. Not a heckuva lot of money. Every person who walks part of a precinct and has a lawn sign is in the upper 1/10th of 1 percent of all voters in Culver City because people don’t vote. They don’t pay attention to candidates and don’t put up lawn signs.”

Right now the elections are won only by the deep $$$$$$$ pockets machines…

Challenge My Fellow Candidates

Gary Abrams-Laura Chardiet-Nancy Goldberg-Scott Zeidman-Robert Zirgulis (Mr. “Z”).

It’s amazing how one can come with an idea and think that is so novel. Back in my 2009 stroll for Board, came up with almost exact same concept that someone thought of 6 years earlier. My youngest son’s best friend’s mom e-mailed me the Original article: 2003 election Stewart M. (Stew) Bubar http://tinyurl.com/yzeoo43

Revised rendition:

“Elections in Culver City have gotten out of control. We need to bring them back down to earth.”

Last Board election in Culver City saw expenditures reach into $10-20,000 range. Have seen lawn signs and fancy brochures proliferate through city. Is this really what citizens want in Culver City elections?

Pledged, and challenge fellow candidates to do the same: plant no signs, raise and spend less than $2,500, and spend time in the neighborhoods communicating and taking advantage of the “INTERNET blogging to people about our “District.” Except for endorsements that come from some of the forums, seeking no individual endorsements or contributions. Only real endorsements are votes received in November.

All active CCUSD Board candidates have a free opportunity to posted campaign info at SmartVoter.org, the League of Women Voters website that gives “FREE” web space to candidates in state and local elections. Check it out at http://www.smartvoter.org/voter/currentelec.html

thefrontpageonline.com “OFFICAL” news outlet for “BOARD” campaign. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6363/GettingAcquaintedWithaNewContenderfortheSchoolBoard

Conversely, when incumbent Board President Attorney Scott Zeidman ran the first time four years ago, he reported spending $3,000.

Up for re-election, “This year, (MACHINE) support has been amazing — http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9571/MoreThan100HelpZeidmanReelectionCampaign

We have Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, former Mayors Andy Weissman, Alan Corlin, Sandi Levin, Steve Rose and Dave Hauptman (total of nine former Culver City mayors).

Board members Steve Gourley and Kathy Paspalis, (three sitting School Board members) and two former School Board Presidents, Dr. Dana Russell and Madeline Ehrlich,” and five former Board Presidents.

All five members of the City Council and more than 450 others.

Easily $20,00 to $%25,000. Is it me or does anyone else notice? “Machine” or like kind hanging together?

But 450 others? A lot of them can be “attributed” to IGNORANCE. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9089/CitizensandSelectedOfficialsWanttheOtherSidetoStayIgnorant

Going for Gold

Candidate Nancy Goldberg’s campaign co-chair Stephen Schwartz pegged $20,000 as their fund-raising goal in the three months leading up to Election Day. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9601/20000AGoldbergCampaignGoal (Mr. Schwartz mentioned that when he ran for office 37 years ago, spent a modest $2,500).

Last School Board election in 2009, winning contenders approached that $20,000 figure.

Any thoughts out there?

Karlo Silbiger topped $19,000-plus. Contributions received.
                    Votes 3,064 (26.51 percent) cost $6.20 each
                    $ 1,000. Karen Bass (included).

                    Expenses: (partial)
                    $ 700. Filing Fee
                    $ 1,451. Lawn signs/stickers.
                    $ 657. Flyers/brochures
                    $ 379. Voter rosters
                    $ 366. Rental on CCUSD fundraiser location
                    $ 101. Insurance for fundraiser
                    $ 1,225. Akasha Restaurant fundraising event
                    Total: $ 4,879.

                    Cash Equivalents/Outstanding Debts: $-0-
                    Ending cash balance $6,627.06

Attorney Kathy Paspalis, $17,400-plus.Contributions received.
                    Votes 2,979 (25.77 percent) cost $5.84 each
                    $ 1,000. CTA
                    $ 575. Alan B. Corlin

                    Expenses: (partial)
                    $ 2,746. Trish Duchene?
                    $ 699. FedEx-Kinkos
                    $ 384. Sandra Levin
                    $ 631. Marshall Arts Creative Services
                    $ 142. Political Data
                    $ 1,400. Rush St. Restaurant
                    $ 200. Transamerican Mailing
                    $ 1,155. US Postmaster
                    Total: $ 7,357.

                    Cash Equivalents/Outstanding Debts: $0.
                    Ending cash balance: $4,195.06

Prof. Patricia Siever, $13,500-plus. Contributions received.
                    Votes 1,809 (15.65 percent) cost $7.46 each
                    $ 9,000. Loans

                    Expenses: (partial)
                    $ 480. Culver City News
                    $ 385. Culver City Observer
                    $ 5,079. Walker Communication Group
                    Total: $ 5,944.

                    Cash Equivalents/Outstanding Debts: $10,015.25
                    Ending cash balance: $1,180.59

Mr. Abrams, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com