Home Letters My Critic Is Wrong

My Critic Is Wrong


Re “‘Video Proves That Zirgulis Was Wrong’” and “A Salute to Paspalis — However, the ‘$20,000’ Candidate Goal Is Troubling

Letter-writer Kevin Fields is a liar. What can you expect from a shill? Mr. Fields, in a previous letter, says that I constantly talk about a mythical Culver City political machine. He implied that I thought that School Board member Pat Siever was part of a political machine.

I have news for you, Mr. Fields. I actually supported Ms. Siever as the second choice for School Board when I was running in 2009 for that office. Anyone can call Pat to verify that I have always held her in high esteem.

From my neck of the woods, if you tell someone he can't speak and shut off the person’s mike, that is basically telling the speaker to shut up.

A whole new can of worms has been opened up by this lively debate. I must be hitting a raw nerve someplace to get attacked by Board President Scott Zeidman’s supporters so vociferously.

Even political gadfly George Laase, smugly smiling at Mr. Ziedman's kickoff campaign, has had some choice comments about me and some defamatory comments about Gary Abrams and a mother with an autistic child.

Has George gone over to the dark side with Mr. Fields?

This all started out as a First Amendment issue when a mother with an autistic child was told she could not speak and her mike was cut off.

That tweaked my curiosity. Certainly it was not all about Supt. Patti Jaffe, a public figure. What I think is an underlying issue is the fact that the School District is wasting millions of dollars on attorney fees to stifle kids with special needs from getting proper care.

I would like to know exactly what justified the District paying $100,000 for one month to Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost,LLP for legal services.

I have heard some interesting things about this law group. If anyone wants to anonymously tell me more, please email me or call 310.486.7408.

Hartfield Letter

My critics are dumb at math or they are up to their dirty tricks of lies and distortions.

Mr. Johnnie Hartfield implied in a letter today that “the School District only approved $6.40 annually per student on a retainer for lawyers vs. approving $4.57 annually per student on milk (6,504 Average Daily Attendance, ADA,based on the District's May Budget)”

Mr. Hartfield, the School Board Purchase Order List for the month of July 2011, page 25, lists legal services at $145,000. If you divide that by 6,504 students, you come up with around $22.29 per student for the month of July.

This is why I love the First Amendment. When my critics attack with lies and distortions, I have the opportunity to respond and show what buffoons they are.

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com