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Sometimes We Are Adversaries


Mentioned in my last article re: Mr. George Laase, that we have a short history.

Mr. George Laase has done a remarkable job of keeping citizens abreast in the workings inside City Hall and the School District in the past.

Mr. Laase quotes in one of his articles, In the near future, I hope Culver City can elect an even more enlightened, much less short-sighted School Board. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-2807/TheAnswerShouldHaveBeenYes

Mr. Laase has been the official voice of District matters for awhile. Maybe he is reluctant to share this domain. Only he truly can answer that.

Appears that he lately has caved in to the “MACHINE.” Advocate work does not financially pay off as well as corrupt politicians scamming the public. Easier to fleece a lamb than a lion. (Was that you in a Rolls Royce with dark tinted windows? Nice ride.)

Picked up a lot of history reading Mr. Laase’s articles. Most informative I’ll say.

Only problem is, factual content. My Dad always told me that once you lie (and you may never lie again), your credibility will always be questioned.

Just to shed some light about why I am adamant about defending my HONOR:

Take on all comers, just take a number.

Undefeated at 3 and 0. All non-politicians. One of them might not even be a real person. Hey, it’s been done before. Ask Mr. Z. What’s her name Ms. Ann Lidiot or “Idiot?” Mr. Z challenged her/it to a face-to- face and was never heard from again.

Puff, just like that. “Z” thinks that Idiot was a guy for real. Never know in California. Stranger things are accepted here, especially in Culver City.

Anyway, back to our history.
Better Find Another Place in Line, Gary (Improvised 2011 edition)
(See bottom for original article and my response)

Just finished reading Gary Abrams’ latest essay where he makes the best of his last- place finish in last month’s School Board election.

He declared himself “the sixth Board member.”
Re “I Don’t Have to be Politically Correct”

Enjoyed his use of (new) math in his analysis. Wasn't he the only candidate given a Volunteer of the Year Award? Does any sitting Board member have that distinction?

Boy, hope it involves tutoring students in Honesty, Respect, Courage and Courtesy. All things lacking in Culver City politics — Doesn’t matter if it is school board or City Council dba Redevelopment Agency. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6363/GettingAcquaintedWithaNewContenderfortheSchoolBoard

Big deal. Several of the Board and candidates can easily qualify for Liars, Cowards and one BULLY of the Year awards. Vote for your own choices. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9294/SchoolBoardBusinessoraPersonalVendetta

Still a Breath of Fresh Air?

Finally a genuine “TRUTH TELLER” in Culver City.

Mr. Abrams finished dead last in the Nov. 3 election with just under 500 votes.

He was more than 120 votes behind Roger Maxwell who had withdrawn from the race early on and didn't even mount a campaign. (Is that same as non-campaign?)

There was even an official campaign telling voters to vote for Roger Maxwell, and he still beat Mr. Abrams. Must confess, wish I had voted for him now. Look at the do- nothing School Board. Promises (lies), promises and more promises,

In Board election of 2001, Lawrence J. Heinzman, an 18-year-old, then a recent-graduate from Culver City High School, received more community support (626 votes) than Mr. Abrams received (499) in this last election. (Note Mr. Abrams had no local news exposure except in this news outlet).

Aren't you really s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g your self-proclaimed “continued importance” in our community, just a little bit, Gary? (Wish I could get almost 500 votes myself.)

Just like other LYING Culver City politicians do.

Better Than Sen. Joe Biden

Awhile back, during his untraditional, non-campaign campaign for the Board, he emailed me asking if he could conform one of my past commentaries in this newspaper to the current Parcel Tax Measure EE scam. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6703/ACrucialFactThatMeasureEEAdvocatesJustHappenedtoIgnore

Even though I felt a little flattered by his asking, I told him no. Never told this to anyone, must confess, find Mr. Abrams’ articles informative and FACTUALLY correct. Sure wish I could write like that.

With his asking, I actually began to think that maybe I had misjudged his character. Thought he was like most other LYING candidates and politicians.

At least he asked, which is more than could be said about our Vice President, Joe Biden, when he was a Senator.

But wouldn't you know it? Gary went on and used my earlier commentary anyway. Took courage.

Later, I found it on his blog: HYPERLINK “http://garyabrams.wordpress.com/2009/09/29/ca/” with written credit given in the piece.


As long as Editor Noonan sees Gary's simple TRUTHFUL-like writings as being useful to the public, he will continue to extend Gary's “15 minutes of fame.”

I guess I will stop reading his overt attempts at staying current in the public's eye, and overlook his seemingly limitless attempts at profundity. PSYCH!

http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6939/BetterFindAnotherPlaceinLineGary By George Laase, December 28, 2009

http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6955/RespondingtoaCritic By Gary Abrams

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com