Home Letters Zirgulis Issues a Challenge to Laase for Tonight

Zirgulis Issues a Challenge to Laase for Tonight


Re “All Aboard for the Abrams/Zirgulis Campaign Train

Yeah! Our democracy is great!

George Laase, political gadfly of the School Board, has been critical about how easy it is to become a candidate for school board.

Well, I'd like to invite George to run for office and see how the democratic process works. He can go precinct-walking for hours at a time, visiting people’s homes, talking about how our schools need help. He can spend his own money sending out literature. Oh, and I hope he can take the criticism when and if he can offer constructive ideas of how to help our schools.

While George whines and complains, I plan to be pro-active and come up with many ideas to help our schools. I was the first candidate to advocate solar panels for our schools.

If George wants to help our schools, I am inviting him to join me in collecting signatures for Prop. 1481 the Statewide Tax on California Oil Revenues to Education Initiative tonight at 7 o’clock at the Summer Music Festival In the Courtyard of City Hall.

This initiative will impose a 15 percent tax on the value of each barrel of oil extracted in California. It will allocate $3 billion in oil tax revenues to non-capital educational funding.

That's what democracy is about, George!

Mr. Zirgulis, a candidate for the School Board in the November election, may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com