Home OP-ED If You Don’t Mind, I Will Offer a Critical Word

If You Don’t Mind, I Will Offer a Critical Word


Not quite a “do-nothing” School Board, but it’s close.

Time for a revolution.

From DISTINGUISHED to EXTINGUISHED the Culver City Unified School District’s FALL from GRACE. The attorney majority-led Board at the helm without a rudder, or shall we say DETACHED elsewhere in La La Land.

Another one, homegrown this time, BITES the DUST. Almost a year later to the date, another Ph.D. hits the “happy” trail for “$$$$$$”

Unsurprisingly to many, Dr. Pam Magee, principal of Culver City High School, is moving along — to a charter school in the Palisades — four months after an explosive triggering event seemed to abruptly change her career plans. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9368/PrincipalMageeIsOfftothePalisades

Here is the Irony of the Week:

When the Pali position opened two years ago, CCUSD Supt. Superintendent Ms. Jaffe inquired. “After talking to them, though, I was not interested,” she told this newspaper. Reliable sources say that the “feeling” was mutual. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-9377/MageeHadaSecretUntilWednesdayJaffeOnceLookedattheJob

Dr. Myrna Rivera Coté’s sudden resignation from the Culver City Unified School District on the Friday afternoon of 2010 Memorial Day.

The inner circle, centering on the School Board, knew that Dr. Coté was increasingly unhappy with the tenor of meetings, the revised prevailing atmosphere. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-7747/TradingSupersWasaMatterofTiming


Who wrote her contract? “I am not aware of any counsel (lawyer FEES) who wrote it for her,” says Attorney Gourley. “I think she wrote it herself. The bizarre part to me was that the prior School Board was well-intentioned, but they didn’t hire an attorney to review it.” http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-8934/GourleyDiscussestheCrazyallMyrnaCoteContract



Popular former Asst. Supt. Patti Jaffe, a 40-year District veteran who was scheduled to enter retirement in June, until Dr. Coté’s bombshell, was, instead, chosen as the Acting Superintendent, roughly at the hour of her retirement. Hired at a $200,000 annual salary, Ms. Jaffe’s agreement (contract), written by Mr. Zeidman, an attorney, is on a day-to-day basis. It hinges on the arrival of her replacement. “Technically, the contract says ‘the Interim is not eligible to become the Superintendent.’”

What instructions do you hand to a headhunting company like Cosca, staffed by former superintendents?

“They agreed to our contract which (Board President and Attorney) Steve Gourley wrote and I reviewed,” Mr. Zeidman said. (The deal is for “a little over” $20,000, irrespective of the time it takes to land a super).

A few questions for you attorney contract-writers. Word is out that attorney Gourley is a real estate specialist, so the District is due a refund of $20,000. Unreliable sources say that there was an “out clause.” Standard in a basic real estate contract.

States something like if we find our own Super, then all bets are off. Or is this one of those deals, now you see it, now you don’t? Puff$$$$ “This is the second time our (Karlo Silbiger and Dr. Pat Siever, guilt by association) Board has written contracts.”

Oh, yeah! The exotic first one prohibiting Ms. Jaffe Interim from becoming Superintendent. If this is any indication, we could kiss $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bye-bye.

Mr. Zeidman said. “We don’t want to spend our District’s hard-earned money on lawyers FEES if we don’t have to.”

He also said: “I have a fiduciary duty to the citizens of Culver City to bring in the best superintendent at what we can afford to pay.”

Let me see, betcha Cosca had their standard contract. Attorney Gourley had to spend at most 30 minutes working on his contract and Attorney Zeidman had at most spent 15 mins on Super Jaffe’s contract. I heard of “cracker jack” attorneys getting $600/hour. That comes to $600 including tax and tip.

Yeah! I see what the attorneys mean now. That $20,000 fee minus $600 savings. Hey, cannot argue with that — $19,400 is $19,400. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-8001/GentlemenStartYourSearchEnginesfortheNextCulverCitySuper

Fighting against all four of his colleagues who concur that Ms. Jaffe’s services were obtained at a discount rate, Mr. Silbiger purported to show that not only is the new Super not a bargain, her reported financial package of $217,000 is more than $50,000 south of the truth. He computed Ms. Jaffe’s compensation at $270,000 compared to $275,000 for her now much-criticized predecessor, Dr. Myrna Rivera Coté.

Mr. Silbiger’s accusations — corrected later by colleagues

Mr. Gourley, who recently has been critical of the previous superintendent, lashed out again from the dais. Fed up with assaults on Ms. Jaffe’s pay, he said:

“‘Having to serve for 2½ years with Myrna Rivera Coté challenged me,’ Mr. Gourley said, saltily. ‘She wouldn’t do anything we told her to do, and then she deliberately went out and did things that we told her not to do.’

“What ever we are paying Patti Jaffe, it is more than worth getting rid of Dr. Coté.’” http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-8964/AmidstFlyingChargesBoardMeetingLookedLikeaNastyBirdInvasion

You would think that in the Culver City Unified School District, Ph.D.’s must be a dime per dozen these days. How many more are left in this District?

Matter of fact, I read Board President Zeidman’s speech at the High School Graduation.

You’ve had the opportunity to be entertained by California’s finest Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, led by Dr. Tony Spano and Kristine Hatanaka.

A story of interest in the L.A. Times — quite a final act for these drama students. Things kept going wrong for Culver City High seniors as they prepared for their last performance. They didn't even have a teacher. But then they made it happen, through hustle and good fortune. The show, indeed, did go on. The students had been without a drama teacher since the beginning of the semester. One of the student directors said the class voted to do the show on their own. School administrators had said the students could only perform on a weekday afternoon or they would have to cancel. The mother of a sophomore drama student heard of the students' quandary. She is the head of visual arts for the Willows Community School, a private (charter) campus in Culver City, with a theater of its own. The theater wasn't booked, and the school opened it up to them — for free. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jun/14/local/la-me-school-play-20110614

I meet Dr. Tony Spano Jr. and Ms. Kristine Hatanaka during my stroll as a 2009 School Board candidate.

Ever been inside the Culver City High School Robert Frost Auditorium?

Took up the invite by Dr. Spano Jr. recently to tour the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts’ facilities.

Met him at the high school office one gloomy, rainy day. Strolled over to the art classroom and was met by Ms. Hatanaka, the other director.

Toured me around the deplorable conditioned District’s Robert Frost Auditorium. http://www.thefrontpageonline.com/new/articles1-6681/AbramsSizesupAVPAandSharesHisClosingRemarks

That’s one Ph.D., so far. Anymore left? Does Dr. Patricia Siever count? Works for WLA College, but she’s on the CCUSD Board. Missing any more?

Are attorneys considered Dr.? They have a J.D. (Juris Doctor). Maybe that can explain the doctors’ sibling rivalry.

So CCUSD has one Ph.D. in Music left. The Board has 3 of 5 J.Ds. and one Ph.D. Hmm!

Mr. Abrams, a former School Board candidate, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com